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Hello! :) I'm on the bus again writing so again if there are any mistakes I'm sorry!


Haylee's POV

"Really! I would love to come and live with you in London" I see him smile and I go over and kiss him. "Well if I want to go I better start packing some things" he nods and says "just pack clothes and stuff then I will get the rest of your stuff to London" I nod and walk to my room to start packing.

Mayim's POV

I walk into Haylee's room and see her packing. "Where ya going hales?" She sets her clothes "I'm going to live in London with Niall" I look at her shocked "really??"

"Yup, you can come visit me or I'll come visit you" I nod and sit on her bed "I'm gonna miss you Haylee. You have been my friend since like second grade! But I guess it's time for you to start a family and stuff" she nods and finishes packing.

Haylee's POV

~a couple hours later~

I'm standing in the airport saying goodbye to my friend Mayim she said she will visit me soon when she can get time off of work. Niall Riley and I are waiting for the plane to arrive. Riley is coming with because she has always wanted to go to London and this is the perfect opportunity for her to go. Our plane is ready to board and I say goodbye to mayim one more then get on the plane. Niall is letting me sit next to Riley on the plane so we can talk and stuff. Halfway through the flight I fall asleep.

Riley's POV

Haylee fell asleep like ten minutes so this gives time to talk to Niall who is sitting across the aisle from us. "So Niall are you excited to have a little Haylee or Niall running around?"

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