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Here's another short chapter.... I promise I will write longer chapters but its kind of hard because I have school and other things going on. Please comment fav and vote!!!

Love y'all :)


Liam's POV

"She's pregnant?" I hear Niall sigh and he nods. "I think you shoulda be with her Niall she is probably stressed out right now. We will tell management what happened" "okay I'll text you guys later" Niall says quickly and leaves the room.

Niall's POV

~12 hours later~

I have finally landed in Fargo and one of Haylee's friend us coming to pick me up from the airport. I grab my bag and see Mayim waiting for me so I quickly walk over to her. "Hey mayim! Does Haylee know I'm coming?" She smiles and says "hey Niall and nope she doesn't even know your here. I haven't told her." I nod and she drives me to Haylee's apartment and we walk inside. "HAYLEE someone is here to see you!" Mayim yells. I hear her say "coming... Who is it anway?"

Haylee's POV

"Coming... Who is it anyway?" I slowly walk into the living room and see Niall standing there. He smiles and softly says "hey babe" I run over and hug him tightly. "Oh my god! I can't believe your here" he nods and hugs me back. "Not to ruin this wonderful moment or anything but do you have any food?" "Haha yes nialler we have food" I smile and we walk into the kitchen and I make him some food. "So Haylee I was wondering if you want to come to London and live with me?" I hear him say while I'm cleaning up the kitchen and I turn around to look at him.

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