not so welcome home

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"Is Fiona coming down for breakfast?" I ask Lip as he is making everyone sandwiches for school, he shrugs, "Not my problem. She's not up yet." Lip says. He's still very pissed with her, "You bailed her?" Lip whispers to me, "No, we were fucking last night and I've been with you every second since the incident, how could I have bailed her out?" I argue back, quietly. "Here's your juice, Liam." Debbie says, handing Liam his sippy cup, "From now on Liam, don't put anything in your mouth unless we give it to you, okay?" Lip says, "Okay." Liam answers, cutely. "What's that smell?" Debbie grimaces as she stands over Liam and Carl. Lip and I both inhale deeply, "Jesus Christ." I mutter, "Frank! Stop smoking weed in the house!" Lip calls up to dying Frank. "Carl, get Liam away from the stairs." Debbie demands and grabs her jacket and backpack, "I'll take Liam with me to school today." Lip says as he grabs Liam's highchair and pulls it near the sink. "I'll grab some dinner today too." I add, "No, I got it tonight, get tomorrow okay?" Lip says and I nod, "Okay." I say and hand Debs and Carl their lunches, "I could buy a couple groceries." Sammi says as she walks into the kitchen, "Yeah, do that. Since you know we have two extra mouths to feed." I scoff, "Chucky is four alone." Carl mutters and I gently smack the back of his head, "Enough." I say through my teeth, "Go to school." I say and shoo Debs and Carl off. "I'll take them." Sammi offers, following the kids outside. I roll my eyes and take Liam upstairs to get him ready to leave with Lip. "You sure you wanna take him?" I ask, sitting on the floor, getting Liam dressed. "Yes, no choice and I'm not leaving you responsible for a toddler, that's not your job." Lip says, packing up Liam's old diaper bag with extra clothes, toys, and a bottle. "Lip-" "No, I got it." He cuts me off and I sigh, "Ready to go, buddy?" I smile at Liam as I zip up his coat, "Yeah!" He sounds excited, "Hey, don't forget diapers." I say softly, tossing him an unopened pack, "Shit, thanks." Lip says, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "Hey." Fiona comes in the room hesitantly, Lip and I ignore her, "Hi, peanut." She says to Liam, getting on the ground next to him. I stand up and stand beside Lip, he looks extremely upset. "Come on, bud, we're gonna be late." Lip interrupts Fiona as she is coddling Liam, "Where you going?" "School." Lip is short, "With Liam?" Fiona sounds upset, "Yeah." "Well I was gonna go meet with my lawyer and take Liam with me." Fiona states, "No, we're alright, thanks. Come on." Lip says and picks up Liam, "Lip it was an accident." "It shouldn't have been available for there to be an accident. You knew he was here. Sort your shit out." I scoff and follow Lip downstairs.

"Call me if you need anything." I say, kissing Lip and Liam's cheeks as I gently place my keys in Lip's hand. "No class today?" Lip asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "I do but it doesn't start until later and I can take the L." I reassure him, "Sade, I don't like you on the L alone." "Well I don't want you late for class, go." I demand, "Thanks." Lip says softly and puts Liam in the car seat I bought and drives off. Once he drives away I start towards the Milkovich house, Mickey has to get in contact with Ian like yesterday.


"Mick!" I shout when I walk into his front door, the smell of weed and sex suffocates me, "Jesus Christ you guys smell." I mutter under my breath as I walk past his brothers. "Mick!" I call again, "Jesus Sadie, what? Calling my name like you're my wife or something." Mickey scoffs as he is buttoning up a shirt, "Whatever." I roll my eyes and push Mickey into his room, closing the door behind me, "Oh, what is this?" Mickey smirks and I scoff, "Hush, have you heard from him?" I ask, "Who?" My head tilts to the side in annoyance, "Don't be a fucking idiot." I cross my arms in front of my chest, "No, I'll go see if I can find him tonight." Mickey sighs, "Do it forreal or I'll fucking kill you." I wave my finger in his face and he gently bites it, "I'm sure." He smirks, "You're sick." I wipe my finger on his shirt and leave his house, "Better do it, Mickey!" I call out once more before leaving his house and heading towards the L to go to class.


Everytime I walk the campus I feel judged, I feel everyone's eyes burning into me and I hate it. I never knew Lip was my comfort person until I got here. Don't get me wrong I knew he was my person but I didn't think I'd start to depend on his presence wherever I go.

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