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I hate that Doni had to see her big brother in that situation. She was clearly shaken holding my hand something she usually rejects. If I knew that asshole I would beat his ass just for making my family feel uncomfortable. Harassing my omega while he's with his little sister and our 6 month old. We sat at a food court in the seating area. The little restaurants surrounding us.

"What do you guys want to eat?" I asked grabbing looking at the options.

"I want a strawberry milkshake please." Doni asked shyly.

"Okay for sure anyone else want one?" I asked my baby already planning on getting Mimi a banana one. We could put a little in his bottle or spoon feed.

"Mmmm yummy me and Mias want one." I smiled at my cute omega nodding.

"What to eat?" I asked.

"I want Chinese food." Myles said making Doni shake her head.

"Nooo I want a Super burger" Donica protested pointing to the Burger shake. I could definitely get her a super burger meal for 7 dollars. And me and Myles our own trays for 3.68. Even get something like a jello for Mimi. But of course they're gonna argue that's how siblings are. Even my grown ass husband.

"So I want Chinese brat?" Myles said bratty with a glare pout.

"Whatever Myles wants right." She mumbled rolling her eyes as Myles gasped not fully hearing.

"What you just say brat?" I tsked deciding it was time to step in.

"I'll get you a burger meal and you a take out plate. No arguing" They both cheesed nodding happily.

"Can I go get it with you?" Doni asked and I nodded. I do need help and I wanted Myles to sit.

"Oh daddy I want a blue and raspberry. As for the food hmmm.." He thought on it for a bit. "That spicy like sweetish chicken and regular orange chicken. Oh and make sure they give me noddles please." I nodded feeling my lower energy somehow power back up by his smile. So happy to be eating as a family. Damn my wife's just too perfect.


Me and Stephanie finished strapping in the babies. Taking a seat at the two combined tables we sat at. We were a lot of kids so we need more seats combining the tables. I just loved having a huge family for a day. I wish I grew up in a huge family but I don't even got siblings. Zekey's so lucky and all them literally adore him. How could they not tho.

"Thanks Prince" Zekey said taking a snif. "Wow it smells delicious" I nodded agreeing. Prince is literally the only person I could see cooking for the rest of my life. Well for me, Zekey and the kids.

"Yeah thanks your the best" I said next all the kids nodding along. As they soon followed with they're own complements and thanks. Prince was a quiet person shy to others complements just adorably.

"Y-yeah of course" He said quickly going to eating afterwards. Even the babies loved they're bads food. Given they could only eat the smashed beans and some rice. They still munch the hell out of it.


My sister loved the triplets jealous she never had twins or triplets in her pregnancys. Trust me it's adorable to have all three together. But giving birth and holding them in my belly for nine months was the hard part.

"Ugh I always wanted twins you lucky bitch." She kept whining throwing her head back as we watched them watch TV together. Joaquin was invested ignoring his sister who used his arm to try and sit up. It was helping her learn to sit plus Joaquin didn't mind. Julius on the other hand would literally push her off. He was a little meaner and a total brat sometimes. But he's just a baby so I hope he'll pick up on Marius and Prince sweetness later. She took her phone out recording as Sanny slowly tried to rise himself.

"Aww you gotta send me that." I gushed as she saved it. Making her blush cocky.

"No it's mine" She said making me pout. She better not make me beg for a vid of my babies.

"Stephanieeee" I whined a bit sounding like a child. Stephanie always makes me act like that because she's the only one who can bully me.

"Fine brat you've gotten spoiled huh." She smirked making me blush as Prince chuckled Sanny in his hands. I'm not spoiled now or bratty. Am I? Gosh I knew Prince and Marius where taking care of me to well. I even got fatter even though I've been trying to lose weight. Goddamn alpha's they should focus on spoiling the triplets only.


Dasia was probably the only one that still hated us. Literally telling us we can't play after Chuchu told us if we wanted to. It was kinda adorable. She was protective of Zekey specifically and that warmed my heart. They all loved him very much and I know our kids will too. I'm jealous but I know they're favorite parent will be they're mom. How could it not be tho? Prince and me where with Kelly right now since she was playing by herself. She was just the sweetest kid alive.

"Now we can draw and make playdough. Arts and crawfs." I nodded along as we sat on the floor at the sides of her kids table. Her grabbing all her art stuff. Dakota ran into the room excited.

"I want to play too. Me too" He cheered Kelly immediately nodding with a smile. Told ya the kids just the sweetest. Dakota happily took a seat in Prince's lap surprising him. As Prince became flustered and shy all cute trying to sit where the kid is comfortable. Prince was the youngest in his family so he really didn't know how to deal with kids. But he didn't become frustrated or anything. Just very shy and awkward it's honestly adorable. "We make pizza Pwince?" He asked looking back. Prince nodded along wanting the kid to be happy. Ugh he's a sweet heart too and so fucking fine.

three baby daddies (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now