Chapter 4

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"Harry Styles"

He looked back up at me. I smiled. It finally hit me why he looked so familiar. The teen heartthrob and member of the biggest band right now One Direction.

We just smiled at each other. "Well nice to meet you Harry". "Nice to meet you too Maggie". His smile. Wow his smile was amazing. It sent chills down my spine. Or maybe it's the cold. Who knows but I definitely felt something.

"Well Maggie, me and my mates are in town if you would ummm well like to ummm maybe stay at our place tonight. Only if you want or if you don't have anywhere else to stay.", he said nervously. I thought for a minute. He's a famous person. It's not like he's gonna do anything bad to me. And Sadie thinks I'm staying the night with Breanna anyway so she'll never know!

"Sure I'd love that". His smile again. It made every part of me just forget everything. "Great!" He grabbed my hand helping me up. I thought he was gonna let go of my hand but he didn't. He kept holding it all the way to his car.

"After you love", opening the door. "Thanks". He then walked around and got in, starting up the car. It felt so nice to be in some warmth.

After only about 5 minutes, we pulled up to a big, nice hotel. He came around and opened the door to help me out. He didn't hold my hand this time though after sadly.

Wait why am I sad? It's not like there's anything with us.

"Sorry if the boys go a little crazy or if it's a mess. I just cleaned somewhat this morning but it's probably already a huge mess again" he said once the elevator closed and started going up. We both just laughed.

The elevator soon stopped on the 22nd floor and we got out. We walked down towards the end of the hall until he stopped infront of one of the rooms and pulled out his key card and opened it.

"Booger off"
"NO I WON FAIR AND SQUARE" that sounds almost Irish maybe?
"guys stop fighting over the stupid video game"
"IT'S NOT JUST A STUPID VIDEO GAME" I heard the Irish accent one and another British one say together.

Harry then accidentally ran into one of the stools by the counter, causing the 4 yelling boys in the living room to turn around. Over on the far end sitting on a recliner looking chair was a darker skinned one with about black/brown hair in a quiff. On the one chair just like it on the other side closest to me and Harry was a guy who had short brown hair. On the couch was a blonde one with the bluest eyes ever and beside him was another brown headed boy who was handsome just like the others.

"Woah who's the lady" I heard the one sitting by the blonde say.

"Oh uhmmm this is Maggie she's going to stay here for the night"

I looked up at Harry and smiled.

"Oh let me introduce you!" Harry said.

"Maggie this is Liam"
Harry pointed over to the one sitting closest to us as he waved and smiled.

"that's Niall"

I looked at the blonde and now realized he was eating a bag of chips. As Harry said his name he looked up and waved with chips in his other hand.

"That's Louis"

The brunette one beside the blonde looked back with a welcoming smile.

"And that's Zayn"

The darker skinned one with the amazing hair even at this time of the night looked and waved.

"Hi!" I waved back at all of them and smiled.

"We're gonna go to the other room so goodnight boys". I saw Louis do a look but I could tell that Harry wouldn't try to pull anything like that, atleast I don't think so.

"Night guys. Nice meeting y'all!" I smiled at them while Harry pulled me along while the boys said goodnight back.

Harry led me down a hallway to a room down the way. I'm guessing it's his room. As we walked into the room, he walked ahead and pulled a shirt and shorts out of one of the drawers.

"You can wear these for tonight if you want"

He handed me the clothes and I walked into the attached bathroom. As I looked in the mirror, I realized how messed up I looked right now. My hair was a frizzed mess. My eyes were red and dark. I washed off my face and pulled my hair up after I changed into the clothes Harry gave me and walked back out of the bathroom. When I walked back into the room, Harry had already changed into new clothes.

"Ok since the boys are still on the couch, you can either sleep in here and I sleep with one of the boys or I can set up a mattress or something on the floor or-" I cut him off.

"No no no I don't want to make you sleep somewhere else just because you found me crying on the street. I can sleep on the floor or something."

"No no you're not. Are you ok with just both of us sleeping on this bed?"

"Uhm sure yeah"

We both climbed into the bed and got under the blankets and rolling opposite directions, obviously keeping a good distance. Harry then reached over and turned off the lamp light.

"Night Maggie", I felt him roll over to face me after saying that and I rolled towards him too.

"Night Harry. And thank you"

He smiled again at me. "It's no problem"

With that we both fell asleep.

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