Mercury is found

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[i still dont know what im doing and im like barely able to stay awake rn so this might make no sesne at all]

Sun's p.o.v (FINALLY?!?)

I've been keeping a closer eye on everyone. First Mars, now Mercury. Who could possibly be next? This order makes no sense either, i thought maybe there could be some sort of patern but i don't see one. I'm trying my best to keep calm in this situation but i honestly can't. Me and Venus have been talking more and I've been making sure to reeeaaally keep an eye on the outter planets. They may be bigger than the others but who knows how this is happening? I just want Mars and Mercury to come back. I don't know who might be next but i do know Mars is dead from what Earth explained to us from his moon. Poor moon, probably traumatized after seeing that happen to Mars. They were both crying their "heart" out it's just heartbreaking. Earth has really just been chatting with his moon which is okay with me. I hope Mercury is okay though, by what happened to Mars he might be gone too.


I turned directly towards where the screaming was. "MERCURY?!?" It was Mercury. It caught a few of the planets attention but before he could make it back..


He's dead. 2 huge asteroids, one to the back and one to the face. Where did these come from? I made my was closer to him and there was no saving him, his face was..


Venus saw it all happen, i don't think he's okay right now and Earth saw a glimpse and rushed over instantly. "Oh my god." Earth just stared in disbelief and Venus was just shocked and frozen in place. I wanted to cry. Earth was crying again and Venus actually teared up a bit. The other planets noticed and this just became a huge crying party or something like that. Some of the planets barely knew Mercury but they were still so upset. It's nice to know everyone cared about him, i really REALLY need to keep a close eye on everyone now.

Someone is trying to kill the planets and i need to stop it.

[375 words]

Uuugh this probably makes no sense but eh who cares. I DONT!! and surprisingly Sun hasn't gone completely insane

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