Saiki ~ Fluff

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"xxx" = Saiki communicating telepathically

I stared at him from across the classroom, his expression was blank. Saiki almost never showed any sort of emotion but when he did it was mostly disgust, meaning you were basically lucky if he looked emotionless around you. You were aware of his abilities, after-all his parents let it slip because they thought you were dating. You repeatedly tried to assure them you were only friends but everytime you came over, they left and winked at Saiki as if he would do something.

The bell rang and Hairo stood up and began to beg people to join some sort of sports club. "Y/N! Would you join-" He started to ask as you were approached by some of your friends; he left you alone after seeing Nendo. Kaidou was next to Nendo trying to get Saiki's attention. "Lets go get ramen." Nendo said, he said this everyday after school then drag us across town to some shack. "Actually i'm busy today." You told him while walking over to Saiki. "I'm busy too." Kaidou said disappointedly. "That's alright, me and my best pal can go-" Nendo started to say when he realized we were all gone.

You took Saiki out into the hallway and he didn't mind. "Do you want to go to that new bakery?" you asked and of course Saiki agreed, but around the corner was Teruhashi. She was fuming with anger as she heard you giggle with excitement and she began rant about something you didn't care about. Saiki and you left before she attempted to push her way into your plans.

"Where is it?" Saiki asked as you kept turning random corners hoping to find it. "I can't remember..." you whispered in disappointment as he sighed. He grabbed your wrist and led you to the bakery. You blushed and couldn't stop thinking about him, you knew he was reading your mind but you couldn't help it. "Saiki, you can let go of me now." You mumbled as you approached the bakery but his grip slightly tightened. "Are you embarrassed?" he asked mockingly while staring at your light blush. "No, it's just that you're sweaty!" you mumbled an excuse as he rolled his eyes probably saying 'good grief' in his head.

He opened the door for you and sat at a table for two. This time nobody would interrupt your 'date.' You guys chatted while looking at the menu, of course he would get a coffee jelly. After a few minutes someone came around to take your order, "What can I get for you two?" You waited for Saiki to order his coffee jelly but he ended up ordering for you too, after-all he could read your mind. "Saiki you didn't have to order for me." you mumbled but he ignored what you said and changed the subject.

You brought out a few pieces of colored paper while Saiki looked at you in confusion. "Did you make your paper cranes yet? You know- the ones for the festival?" You asked as he shook his head. You handed him a piece of paper and tried to help him make a crane but the food came before you could finish. "I can just finish tonight." "There's no way you're going to make 100 paper cranes in one night." You retorted as he took a bite of his coffee jelly.

You watched him eat while you took a small bite of your cake. "Saiki you should try this!" you mumbled after swallowing your bite. He stared at you while you awkwardly stared back, "Saiki?-" you were cut off by him whispering "Call me Kusuo," you blushed as you watched his mouth move for the first time. He leaned over the table and guide your hand that was holding the spoon into his mouth. "It's nothing special-" he started to say as you cut him off, "did you like it Kusuo?" He nodded as you pulled your hand away and smiled.

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