Kaidou ~ Fluff

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You knocked on Kaidous' door, you didn't tell him you were coming over but you figured he would be home either way. His younger sister, Sora, opened the door and peered out as you gave a small wave. "Shun! Your girlfriend is here!" she shouted while signaling for you to come inside. "Thank you, I brought cake for you all." you said and held out a box as she smiled and then took the box from you. "Shun is upstairs in his room, you can go up." Sora instructed as you both heard loud footsteps coming down. "Or not- It seems like someone finally decided to wake up!" she remarked while looking at her brother. You took off your jacket and shoes and left them by the door. His hair was a mess and he was still in his pajamas.

"Y/N is here?" he asked while rubbing his eyes, you were standing beside Sora. "Shun, go put some clothes on... Y/N is a guest." she said surprisingly calmly as his face flushed bright red. "Sorry" he whispered while giving you a small smile before running upstairs to change.

"Sometimes I act more like the older one," Sora joked as you giggled, "It must be hard living with 2 toddlers." you added as she bursted out laughing. The two of you continued to talk while waiting for Shun to return, he came back down with a new record of 3 minutes. "Are you guys going on a date? You both are dressed nice," Sora questioned as you shook your head. "I just wanted to come by, are you guys doing anything today? It's been snowing for awhile." you added as Shun looked outside at the snow-covered ground. "Let's go make a fortress!" he announced while jogging to put his shoes on.

"Are you ready?" you asked while waiting by the door for Shun. "I can't find my scarf," he whispered as his fleece bandage started to unravel. "You can use mine," you said while wrapping it around him, you then grabbed his arm and fixed his 'bandages.' "Y/N, I don't want you to get sick- I'm sure the dark reunion took my scarf..." he trailed off as you pulled him outside.

He zipped up his coat as you grabbed a handful of snow and threw it at him. "Y/N!" he screamed while taking the 'hard' hit in the gut. "Let's make a wall to protect us from the dark reunion!" you suggested as his head perked up. He immediately started on building the base of a wall as you helped gather more snow.

A few hours passed and you both finished building a wall, his brother helped a bit as-well but he got too cold and went inside. "Shun?" you mumbled while looking over at him, his face was red and he was exhausted. He hummed in response as you scooted i've to him. "Are you tired?" you asked while fixing his scarf and fluffing up his soggy hair. "Just a little bit-But it's fine!" he said while yawning, you laughed and grabbed his hands. "Let's go inside, I don't want you to get sick."

Unfortunately he had already gotten sick by the time you got inside. "You need to tell me when you aren't feeling well next time, we could've continued it later." you scolded him while helping him take off his coat. "I'll get you a blanket, go wait upstairs for me." you instructed as he shivered. "Okay mom," he mocked as you elbowed him.

You got a couple of blankets and went upstairs to his room. "Shun?" you whispered while cracking open the door to reveal his body sprawled out on his bed. "Move over," you demanded as he groaned and moved slightly. You pushed him towards the edge of the bed and laid next to him. You then placed the blanket on top of him, "Y/N?" he whispered as you turned to face him. "Nevermind," he mumbled while hugging a pillow.

"Shun!" you shrieked as his pillow hits you in the face. He tiredly groaned in response as you sat up. "Shun..." you whispered while putting the pillow back between his arms. "Your hair is so soft," you mumbled as he fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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