Welcome back- 2nd year

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~~Time skip to September 1st 1972~~

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~~Time skip to September 1st 1972~~

(A/N- they are now in their second year. They are all on the Hogwarts express)

"Ready James?" Sirius asked. James nodded.

"Okay, 3...2...1... NOW!" Sirius yelled jumping around the corner into the compartment. Peter squealed, while Remus laughed.

"Hey guys." Remus said laughing.

"That's not funny." Peter grumbled. James and Sirius doubled over in laughter.

"Where's Oli?" James asked wriggling his eyebrows at Remus. Remus just rolled his eyes while shrugging.

"Haven't seen her." Peter whispered. Suddenly they heard a loud crash as the door swung open. Olivia stood in the door her hair flying from her ponytail, her face covered in dust, a large smirk plastered on her face.

"What did you do." Remus asked sternly.

"Smoke bombs in the Slytherin compartments." Olivia said the smirk never leaving her face, as she sat down in between Remus and James. James and Sirius bursted out laughing, while Remus tried not to laugh.

"That's gold Oli!" James said side hugging Olivia. Olivia smiled returning the hug. Suddenly the door swung open, and Severus stood in the doorway.

"Hey Olivia, can I talk to you?" Severus asked nervously. Olivia nodded removing her arms from around James' waist, standing up. She followed Severus out the compartment into an empty compartment.

"What's up Ser?" Olivia asked.

"Um, I was hoping you could help me with my schoolwork. I forgot to do my homework over the holidays." Severus asked looking down. Olivia nodded standing up.

"Let me go get it from my bag." Olivia said before walking out the door. Olivia headed back into the compartment where the boys were sitting. She didn't say anything as she grabbed her bag and turned to leave. She walked straight back out the compartment completely oblivious to the boys that where staring at her confused. As she headed back to where Severus was waiting.

~~With the boys~~

"Did you see that?" James said as he watched Olivia vanish out the door. Sirius nodded.

"What do you guys think Snivellus did to her?" Peter asked. Remus shook his head.

"I don't think he did anything to her." Remus said looking out the window.

"Are you sure?" James asked. Remus nodded. James just rolled his eyes and went back to looking at the door. He sat like that for around 10 minutes when the door opened, and Olivia stood in the doorway. James jumped up and wrapped his arms around.

"Geez James, I wasn't gone that long." Olivia smirked hugging James back. Sirius looked at Olivia in confusion.

"What Siri, do I have something on my face?" Olivia asked stepping away from James. Sirius shook his head before looking over to Peter, who also looked confused. Remus hadn't realized Olivia came back. Remus had zoned out will Olivia was talking with James, so he thought it had gone quiet, so he spoke up.

"Maybe Severus did do something to Olivia." Remus said still looking out the window. James and Sirius looked away from Olivia who stood there in shock. Remus turned over and saw Olivia standing with a surprised look on her face.

"How could you think that. I was just helping him with homework." Olivia said on the verge of tears. "I don't have to spend every second of every day with you guys." Remus couldn't look Olivia in the eyes as his head hung low. Remus tried to reason with her.


"I don't want to hear it Remus. I don't know why I became friends with you guys. You are all idiots who keep secrets just so people don't hate them." Olivia yelled. James and Sirius stood there; their faces full of shock. Olivia never yelled; she was always the calm on of the group. Olivia tried to hold in her tears but a few of them slipped past and fell down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away before turning on her heel and walked out. Slamming the door behind. Olivia walked down the corridor looking for someone to sit with. Finally, she found a compartment with a single boy in it. She sat down, across from the boy.

"Hey there, I'm Olivia Swift. Gryffindor second year." Olivia said smiling.

"I'm Regulus Black. I'm a first year." Regulus said, returning Olivia's smile.

"Are you related to Sirius Black?" Olivia asked curiously. Regulus nodded.

"He's my brother." Olivia looked at Regulus in shock. Sirius had never told her he had a younger brother.

"Why do you know him?" Regulus asked.

"Knew him. I don't think we're friends anymore." Olivia replied looking down. Tears threatening to flow down her face. Regulus saw this and came and hugged her tight. Olivia smiled down at him, returning the hug. They stayed in that position until they saw Hogwarts in the distance. Since both of them were already in their robes they started talked. Turns out Regulus, who Olivia nicknamed Reggie, wanted to be Slytherin so his parents wouldn't hate him, like they hated Sirius.

"I'm sure you'll make a wonderful Slytherin." Olivia said pulling Reggie in for a hug. Reggie smiled up at Olivia. Reggie decide he was going to give Olivia the title of his big sister. Olivia happily accepted the role of being Reggie's big sister. Soon they arrived at Hogwarts where Olivia led Reggie over to where Hagrid was waiting for the first years. She then went over to the carriages where the four boys were standing. Olivia wasn't ready to talk to them, so she went and sat with Lily and Severus.

"Hey Lils. How was your holiday?" Olivia asked taking a seat across from Lily.

"Hey Liv. I thought you would be with the boys." Lily said smiling sweetly at Olivia. Olivia looked down. Lily's smile vanished when she saw Olivia's reaction.

"We-we had a fight." Olivia whispered. Lily gasped rushing over to hug Olivia. Olivia returned the hug a few tears falling down her cheeks.

"It's my fault isn't it? Its because I asked you to help me." Severus asked looking down.

"No Ser. It's not your fault. They were just being idiots." Olivia replied pulling Severus into a hug.

~~~Time skip to sorting ceremony~~

"Black, Regulus" Professor McGonagall called out. Reggie walked up to the stool, his eyes scanning the room. Sure, enough he found Olivia who was looking up at him. She gave him a thumbs up as he sat down. Reggie nodded over towards Olivia a smile creeping onto her face. Sirius who was watching the encounter from a few seats down looked at James and Remus in shock. Peter was sitting over at the Hufflepuff table, and Olivia still wasn't talking to them. So, it was just Remus, James, and Sirius. Remus hadn't talked since the fight. He was thinking over what she said. What did she mean when she said we were idiots who keep secrets, so people don't hate them. What if she knows. Remus thought to himself.

"Hey Rem, dinners over we're heading up to the dorm. You coming?" James asked pulling Remus from his thoughts. Remus looked over at where Olivia was sitting, she was talking to Kingsley Shacklebolt a fellow Gryffindor. Remus nodded his head before standing up. He followed the boys out the hall. Soon the boys arrived back in the common room.

"I'm going to bed." Remus said turning away from the boys.

"Night Rem." James and Sirius chorused. Remus smiled slightly at them before walking up to the dorms.

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