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three months later


Alex woke up her head laid on Glenn's shoulder as the warm sheets of her bed covered them, warmth consuming the couple as a stress-free morning approached them. Things had changed, for the better. life had become one of hope, a big change in Alex's books. They had food, the population of the prison had doubled, everyone was okay, everyone was safe. Alex and Glenn's relationship was slowly developing along with Alex's friendship with Sam. The hope for a better life that had diminished long ago was returning.

Alex buried her face into Glenn's shoulder her arm wrapped around his midsection. She smiled softly enjoying the warmth and his scent that enveloped her in her half-asleep state until he slowly moved, escaping her grasp he sat up on the edge of the bed. The lack of his warmth sent a shiver down her spine, as her eyes cracked open to see him perched on the side of the bed. Yet in the comfort of her bed, she laid the tiredness of the night still wearing off.

"I don't think you should go today" He voiced softly as he turned to look at Alex lying comfortably in bed as his hand reached out for hers. Taking her hand in his their fingers intertwined as she looked up at him, his dishevelled hair falling down into his forehead, causing the smile that tugged at her lips to grow.

"the run with Daryl? or training with Sam?" Alex sighed as she looked up at him, noticing the slight stubble now growing on his face, the sun shining in from the window accentuating his features.

"the run.. well neither" Alex sighed at his soft words, his eyes trained on her face, how rare it was to see the woman so content, yet it was becoming more common all because of him and her family.

"Really?" She sighed, shifting beneath the sheets so she could lean on her elbow and get a better look at him. he nodded, he still worried about her every single day, mumbling a soft "yeah"

"We have the suits, and you know I'm more than capable" Alex sighed her thumb rubbing the side of his hand in a comforting manner as he shook his head, he didn't want to risk it, especially when they didn't have to.

"yeah, but you don't have to go. you shouldn't" Glenn sighed squeezing Alex's hand gently his eyes glued to hers. Alex shook her head sitting up beside him, her free hand gently brushing the stray strands of hair from his forehead his eyes momentarily closing in relaxation as she did.

A secret worry hung between the two, something Alex had revealed to him a few days before hung in the room filling the pair with slight Anxiety, Glenn not wanting her to go on the run made the anxiety in her stomach spiral yet she knew it was out of love. 

"you know everything is going to be okay right?" She whispered her free hand now resting on the back of his neck gently playing with the short hairs that laid there, a habit she had become accustomed to, playing with his hair. She did it almost subconsciously when they were kissing, talking, trying to sleep. and he loved it, the small things were what he noticed. and her playing with his hair had become almost like a comfort thing, for the both of them.

"right. but you're staying." A small smile etched onto his face as she nodded softly with a smile, unsure if what they were worried about was even worth it. but together it was okay, it had to be. life was working, everything was working. 

"fine. but I'm training Sam later" He nodded in agreement, if Alex could stay safe for just a little while longer he'd be happy. Glenn leaned forward placing a gentle kiss on Alex's lips which she gratefully returned.

Memory of Devotion- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now