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TW; risky smut (psa the rest of the group are not watching or hearing, especially Eugene)


Alex shifted against Glenn as the couple tried to rest in an old library the group had set up camp in for the night. the quiet echos of walkers from outside dulling most of the group to sleep as Abraham kept watch. Glenn's arm wrapped around Alex's waist, her back against his chest as they tried to sleep. The pain in her back diminishing as the pain meds finally started to work.

the rest of the group spread out throughout the library sleeping as Alex's mind ran wild, her thoughts lingering on her family she'd left behind wondering if she had made the right decision. She would find them again. She had to.

Glenn nuzzled his head into the back of her shoulder, even in his sleep he wanted to be as close to her as he could. the arm that laid around her waist she held close, their fingers interlocked as Alex caressed the soft skin of his hand while he slept. glancing down at their hands she noticed her ring, which she'd almost forgotten was on her finger.

the silver band representing the love she and Glenn shared. A small smile grew on her face as she basked in the feeling of his arms. The man sleeping behind her had saved her in a way she would never understand. The way she felt after losing Eli, After the governor. She thought it was the end, But he had shown her another way. a way of love.

Gently squeezing his hand she closed her eyes waiting for sleep to take over, She waited for the luxury of sleep but it never came. Sighing she shifted in his arms, her ass accidentally connecting with his crotch. A breathy sigh escaping his lips. the sound sending a shock wave through Alex, electricity spiralled through her lower stomach as she gulped the desperation.

"Glenn? Are you awake?" she whispered hearing another slight sigh as he shifted behind her tightening his grasp around her waist, pulling her closer into his chest as her ass collided with his crotch again.

"I am now" he mumbled into her shoulder, The slight movement from her ass against his crotch sending waves of need through his body. A taste of what he'd been deprived of since the prison.

"sorry I didn't mean to wake you" Alex whispered, her soft voice along with the way she was pressed against him causing him to harden. trying to contain himself he buried his head further into the back of Alex's shoulder.

"It's alright beautiful" Need grew in Alex's stomach, their surrounding fading as it felt like they were the only two in the library. Glenn's fingers ran along her forearm as she focused on his erection pressing against her ass. the lack of physical touch, the lack of each other they'd faced since the prison feeding the desperation as Alex pressed her ass into his crotch again, a soft groan escaping Glenn's lips almost muffled by her shoulder.

The sound only feeding the need for him deep within Alex's stomach. Heat rushed between her legs as Glenn's hand found its way to her lower stomach. Her breath hitched as Glenn's fingertips brushed her stomach just above her jeans.

"Can I?" he whispered into her ear his fingers travelling to the button of her low-waist jeans, His movements painfully slow as he waited for his wife's consent.

"yes" Alex nodded her heart rate increasing as he tugged at the button of her jeans. Her breath hitched as she pressed her ass against him again. Glenn fought the urge not to grind against her his focus needing to remain on her. He wanted her to feel good.

Even in these circumstances, Glenn remained a gentleman. His hand slipped into her jeans his fingers gently brushing over where she needed him most. The thin material of her underwear the only thing separating her core and his fingers.

Memory of Devotion- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now