5. Literature and the siblings

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Taehyung enters the corridor full of students, trying his best to avoid the curious stares he got as he makes his way towards his locker.

He felt relieved as the students soon realized that he might be a new or a transfer student. The chatters also died down eventually as the students started to go to their respective classes.

But he could still hear two people bickering from afar. He smiles as he hears their words.

"Come here you brat! Who taught you to speak about me like this! Yah!!!"

"Calm down broo! I was just stating facts and nothing else!"

"You come home today! I will tell mom about how you were the one who stole her lipstick when we were 12!"

"Oh yeah? then I will tell her how you sneaked out to go clubbing with Yoongi and Hoseok. I-"

The voices became faint eventually. He did not bother to look towards the bickering duo as he was too busy to arrange his stationary in the locker. But he knew that they both were siblings for sure.

Taehyung really wanted to have a brother or a sister his whole childhood... But before he could wish for one, his parents passed away... Leaving him to spend his whole childhood alone...

Why do I always start thinking things like this all the time!?
Just put these damn thoughts on pause right now Tae.

The bell rings indicating that the first lecture has started. And so Taehyung starts to make his way towards his assigned class.

He already explored the university when he came to collect his locker keys so that he doesn't look like a fool searching for his classes on his first day just like every main character in a story did...

His first lecture was literature. So he takes his books and arranges them in his hands trying not to drop them.

As he walks in the corridor, still filled with some students making way to their classes, his hand brushes past someone and a familiar feeling fills his heart.
Just as he turns around to look at the person, he is unable to spot them. So he shrugs it off and starts walking again.

Jeongguk was busy on phone when he felt some long fingers brush his hand.


He is about to turn when he suddenly bumps into Yoongi and his phone falls. So he first picks his phone and then turns around, but sees no one.


Literature has always interested Taehyung that's why he chose it as an extra subject. Currently he is searching for an empty seat in the room before the teacher comes.

He was right, it would be very difficult for him to just fit in this whole scenario. Everyone was sitting with their friends and the only seats empty were near what seemed like the Jocks or the backbenchers, who were watching Taehyung as if he was some prey.
(Well you can't deny, Kim Taehyung is the definition of beautiful himself)

And Taehyung certainly did not wish to sit there and play with his reputation since the very first day of his university. So he pouts and starts searching again.
This time fortunately he finds a seat near a guy with blonde hair and chubby cheeks. He was cute and looked like an angel in the eyes of Taehyung. He was vibing to music with earphones in his ears.

So Taehyung makes his towards him He pats his shoulder and says,
"Um..Excuse me..?"

The Blondie turns his head in the direction of Tae and to be honest he was awestruck seeing him.

Taehyung was looking so cute in his green oversized shirt with brown half sweater and pants. Soon he says with a smile, "Yes?"

Taehyung realises that the blondie was none other than one of the bickering duo.

"Um...Can I sit here?" He asks with expectant eyes...

"Of course! " He says as the Blondie now makes a seat for Tae to sit. Taehyung feels glad that he chose the right seat as the whole atmosphere near him suddenly became heartwarming.

"Hi! I am Park Jimin" The Blondie, now Jimin says streching his hand for a hand shake.

"I am Kim Taehyung" Taehyung replies with a smile and gladly accepts the handshake.

"Are you new? What subject are you majoring in? Oh by the way I must tell you you are so cute that I just wish to pinch your cheeks once. Will you allow me to do that?? Oh my god I am so glad you are here now. We will surely be good friends. I won't be lonely anymore in literature! And you know what I will introduce you to my friends gr-"

"Jimin... Calm down..." Taehyung interrupts him with a smile. Jimin was really so endearing.

He again says, "Yes I am new here and I am majoring in Photography and Arts. And yes you can also pinch my cheeks if you want to, only if you allow me to pinch yours cuz you are sooo cutee... "

Jimin shys away a little. He nods and says, "Photography? Wowww! That's so cool! I am majoring in modern dance. You can come and see my dance anytime you want. I will also show you my new choreography! We will surely be great friends, Taehyung-ah!"

Taehyung smiles and says, "Yes surely"

He was happy he got a friend like Jimin the very first day he came to university... Or more like Jimin just adopted him the moment he saw him...
Soon the teacher enters and the lecture starts...


Jimin is Jeongguks's friend... Hmm... Are they going to meet soon? 👀
Also there are going to be many Vmin soulmate moments ahead... So be ready to deal with all the softness! 😂

Do comment and vote if you liked the chapter💜
Take care...


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