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2 Weeks Later

Nandini was laying on the bed all naked as she was about to sleep but manik's call distracted her and now she was taking to him with the duvet around her body.

"Navya and Abhimanyu were planning something but then dad told us about my amms visit."

"So she is coming?"

Asked manik from the other side and nandini hmmed laying down on her back, she was looking at her engagement ring silently while manik was also silent before he spoke.

"Let the balcony door open, I'm coming."

Saying so he ended the call, nandini smiled and pushing away the duvet stood up and opened the lock of her balcony door, doing so she again laid down facing the balcony with her duvet covering her till her chest.

Manik huffed reaching the balcony and opening it came inside, he looked at his fiancé who was by now sleeping, manik smiled at her and locking the balcony door took off his shoes ans shirt before laying down on the bed, he creased nandini's cheek bone, nandini lazily opened her eyes to see him.



Manik replied rubbing his nose with her's. Nandini moved forward ans snuggled to him with the duvet in between them. Manik hugged her close when nandini asked.

"What is it? That brought you here?"

Manik looked down at nandini who raised her head, manik pecked her lips before telling her.

"I am going to America for a week or so."

Nandini kept looking at him before pulling him for a kiss, they laid their in each other's arms kissing each other with manik's hand moving on her bare back.

"I'm gonna miss you."

Nandini told him breaking the kiss, manik smiled and pecked her lips once more before pushing his head to nandini's level and laid down looking at her. Nandini giggled at his gaze making manik smile.

Manik looked down to her chest as the duver slipped down and her breast came in his view, manik moved his hand on her areole and creased her making nandini close her eyes with a smile.

While holding her nipple in between his two fingers and spoke slowly.

"Can you start latching?"

Nandini just looked at manik and saw him staring at her areole while creasing it. He then looked up at nandini saying.

"Do you want to?"

Nandini asked half question and manik spoke in his slow tone.

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