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Manik moved his hand on the bed and groaned not feeling her he propped his head to look around the room with his one eye and saw the room still in a mess of their nightwear, cushions of bed and the bed sheet near the bathroon door indicating that his wife went to the bathroom.

Just as he yawned the bathroom door got opened and nandini came out all naked and wet from the shower. She just walked to the bed and laid down pulling the duvet to her naked body telling manik.

"Get up fast, you gotta take care of them because i want to sleep."

Manik rolled his eyes before turning her on her back and moved hus hand down to her crotch rubbing it softly.


Nandini snuggled to his neck spreading her legs letting him do his magic as she responds him.

"Yes, but more than that I'm too tired to even move."

Manik bend to peck her lips before sucking them for a second, and then pulling out his hand kissed her forehead telling her.

"Have some breakfast first."

Nandini nodded in no with her closed eyes making manik smile before he removed the duvet and bend to kiss her swelled tummy. Doing so he covered his wife properly before picking up the things from the floor and went to take a shower.

As soon as he came out of the shower eith a towel around his waist, he saw two little human beings walking towards the bed where na dini laid all naked under the duvet so he literally ran to them and picked them up in his arms.

"Hey babies, mama is sleeping."

The 2 years old indentical twins looked at the father excitedly who kissed their cheek.

"Morning papa."

Manik smiled at them and said.

"Morning princesses, Stay here, don't wake up mama, ill just change and then we will go down and make pancakes! Okay?"

The two sisters pouted as manik settled them on the couch and ran to the wardrobe. Wearing his shorts and t-shirt in less then a minute he took his daughters and walked down asking them.

"Who opened the door?"

The duo looked at their father telling him


Manik gave a node at them and walked to the kitchen where his daughter's Ani was making milk for the twins.

Ani was their nanny from an orphanage and the twins loved the lady for her beautiful nature before not more than their mama and papa.

"Good Morning sir."

Manik gave a node and made the twins, RAYA MANIK MALHOTRA and RIYA MANIK MALHOTRA, sit on the counter and spoke.

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