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Ravenna's POV:

I woke up to the sunshine beaming through the curtains.

But something felt odd.

Wait. Wasn't today the day mattheo came back?

I turned to the other side of my bed just to find mattheo sleeping peacefully. Letting out small snores here and then.

god how did I manage to fall for him?

I soon noticed he was starting to wake up so I quickly closed my eyes.

"Your a terrible actor rev" He said as he pulled me into a hug.
"Like your any better" i scoffed

I soon started hearing barking.
"Mattheo who's barking?" I asked
"Thats chooch. My dog" Replied mattheo
"You never told me you had a dog?!" I exclaimed
"Well you've never asked. I mean you only knew i had nagini even though she's for my dad but she mostly stays with me" he replied

I nodded pulling out of the hug and getting out from bed. Making my way to the bathroom.
I brushed my teeth and got out a hair straightener and straightened my hair.

I left the bathroom looking at mattheo
who was fully dressed and currently hanging out with lorenzo, Theodore and draco on the couch.

Great this isn't embarrassing at all.

Daph and Pans barge in
"Honestly your still not dressed god do we have to wait for your lazy ass every morning?" Daph says
"Excuse her shes on her period but seriously shes got a point" said pansy
"Its a free country you can't tell me what to do. But since your my best friends i'll do that" i said re-assuring them so they wont throw a fit.

I made my way to my closet grabbing my slytherin uniform ( robe, skirt, tie etc...) and went to the bathroom to change ( i mean i just took a shit why tf would i want to take another one)

I got out and saw that pansy and Daphne were already on my bed.

"Took you long enough. Girl you look so pretty" daph said
"Bro i would fuck you right here right now if i was gay" she whispered so only me and pansy could hear her.
"Im sorry the fuck did you just say?" Asked mattheo.
"Ooh mattheo's jealous" pansy said
"Dont tell me your on your period too?" I asked annoyed.
Pansy huffed and soon after we left.

We made our way to our first class which was potions. YAYY!!!
(That's sarcastic if you didn't notice yet)

I sat down and waited for berkshire to come.

Soon after the "fAnTaSTiC fOuR" decided to join us (mattheo,lorenzo,theodore,draco)

They quickly sat down in their seats.
And soon enough gardini decided to show up ( wished he didn't to be honest)

"Right so there will be a project for amortentia so i will put you in groups of 8; Ravenna Raymore, Lorenzo Berkshire,Mattheo Riddle, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Daphne And Astoria Greengrass. Thats group 1.
Group 2 ;Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Millicent Bulstrode, Ron Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Greggory Goyle and Lavender Brown. Right so these are the groups if there are any questions please feel free to ask". My brother said. Class finished.

So i went up to the common room. Only to find mattheo, Theodore, draco, Lorenzo,pansy and daphne. I sat down on one of the chairs.
I began thinking. OH-EM-GEE i have an amazing idea.

"Guys you know what we need? We need a shared common room. Now you may ask "ravenna the fuck is a shared common room" im glad you asked. A shared common room is for 6th and 7th years from all houses. Its great for parties. Think about it." I explained my amazing idea.

"Right sure but how exactly are you gonna explain to snape that you wanna have parties?" Asked mattheo
"We'll just say that we need one because most 6th and 7th years work with different houses for projects so we need it for studies" i replied
"What if he says we can use the library?" Asked theodore.
"Well we'll say that they'll be people from other years and we wont be able to concentrate so any objections? No great now if you'll excuse me im gonna go and convince edgardo to talk to that weird ass headmaster" i blabbered..


"Gardinii" i barged into my brothers office.
I look at him correcting some tests
"I corrected your test today. Top of your year. Keep it up and you'll be head girl next year" he told me
"Mkay. Thats not why im here but thanks for information that i might never use. Anyywayy i need you to convince snad- *i cough* sorry snape to let 6th and 7th years to have a shared common room!" I exclaimed

"Yeah uhm why should i do that?" He asked
"Because your my brother and i love you" i replied
He scoffed
Thats a bit rude isn't it
"I'll see what i can do" he replied
"Yay!! Thank youuu" and with that i pulled him in a hug.

I went back up to the dorms and saw the usual people (im too lazy to name 7 ppl over and over and over ) most of them studying (Daph and Pans ) the others well getting drunk and/or high.
How fun.

"Hey venna guess what filch and umbridge were doing in the storage room" asked theodore
"What?" I replied ( honestly which i didn't continue this conversation)
He slowly got closer to my ear and whispered; " filch was fingering her and then he started kissing her you know uhmm woman part"
"Mm delightful " i replied sarcastically.

We chit-chatted for a little while and decided to go to lunch.

We entered the great hall and i sat down next to mattheo (him being on my right lorenzo being on my left, daphne right in front of me, theodore in front of mattheo, draco next to Theodore and pansy in front of lorenzo). We started eating and obviously the golden trio HAD to say something.
"Ew have you seen the skirt length of Ravenna shes asking for it" she whisper-shouted into her best friends ears.

Suddenly Astoria came up to me "eww have you seen Hermione's hair recently who styled it? A gringotts goblin?" She whisper-shouted and giggled into my ear making sure Hermione heard us.
"Since when are you two friends?" She scoffed
"Uhm since now and why do you care? I mean you always have something to say whether its my hair, my clothes, my boyfriend, the way i eat. I mean i kinda think your obsessed with me"i replied to her.

She rolled her eyes at me and left making sure to take her books with her.
"Bitch" i muttered.

Heyyuhhh .
Its been awhile....
1138 words
~Love N

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