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     -death eater meeting tingz-


Here i was summoning death eaters for a meeting.
Now I know what we mostly do is have dinner or lunch depending on the time.
But we are going to have lunch and discuss our final plans for the war because we are planning on letting it happen in 2 weeks.
The children are pretty happy because of the date since thats the day the exams start so they dont really have to study.

My hand is getting tired by summoning these godforsaken death eaters than i look up to the table and see two empty seats next to me. guess who?

The lovebirds.

Great mhm. So im just going to text my son

Mattheo's POV:I hear ravenna giggle at what my father texted me

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Mattheo's POV:
I hear ravenna giggle at what my father texted me.

"Okay so if we wanna you know ditch this meeting cause all we do is eat food. Heres what we should do"
I started explaining to her what we should do and she had her eyes fixed on me the whole time. Oh fuck me.

We suddenly hear a knock on the door.
Ravenna slowly goes to the door and slightly opens it.
"Yes? Oh Hi dobby! I wasn't excepting you to be here!" Said ravenna
"Oh well master tom told me that i will be serving this house now and he also told me to inform you that you should head down to the meeting." Dobby said he was quite scared? I would say but then again i wouldn't blame him if i wasn't the dark lords son and i was near his presence of course i would've been scared , petrified even.

"Well were sorry to disappoint you dobby but can you tell my father that mattheo and ravenna are currently very very very busy." I replied

"Oh master mattheo i havent seen you in awhile. How have you been doing?" Dobby asked
"Very well dobby but may you please deliver the message to my father?" I asked again

"Right away master" Dobby said and with that he left.

"What if he comes back?" My baby asked
"No dont worry i'll keep him occupied" i reassured her
Another knock oh my lord.
This time i answered it
"Uhm master tom was really angry and said he wants you down now. And hes also asking with what are you busy." Dobby said.

Ravenna approached him and said "whisper to him and tell him that Ravenna is sucking ur sons dick and is really busy so they wont be able to attend okay?" She said
"Okay." Dobby answer was strict and firm not much you see from elves these days.

Dobby's POV:
That message is a bit to inappropriate for dobby. But dobby must deliver the message.
Here i was in front of the meeting door.

I slowly open it and walk towards master tom.
"Uhm master tom . Miss Ravenna told me to whisper you this." I told him.
I leaned to his ear and whispered
"She said that they're really busy because she is sucking master mattheo's uhm... dick. So they wont be able to attend the meeting"

Master Tom was shocked.
"Okay then. You may go back to the kitchen now." I nodded and headed to back to do the dishes.

Ravenna's POV:
"Oh my god i cant believe that excuse actually fucking worked!" I said
"Yeah but i kinda wish you know it was true." Mattheo gave me puppy eyes.
I told him sure but i just had to go to the bathroom first.
I went to the bathroom and realized "oh blood. I guess i got my period?"
But there was too much blood. Like wayyy to much. Tf?
"Mattie" i called out
"Yes princess?" He replied.
"Uhm so theres alot of blood"
"Ok no big deal you got your period you want me to get you some tea and chocolate?"
"No mattie like alot of blood. Way more than it's supposed to" i said

"So what your trying to say is?" He asked
"That i might've had a baby?" I said in confusion.
He quickly came and rapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug.
"Im sorry princess" he told me
"Its not your fault it's probably enzo's he always gets me drunk" i replied
"Im gonna fucking kill him" he replied and started running out of the room.
I got out of the bathroom and chased him down the stairs of this palace
"Mattheo im not that sure" i yelled.
We finally arrived at the meeting doors and mattheo quickly opened them.
"Ah look who finally decided to join u-" tom was cut off

"lorenzo run" i told him
"The fuck did I do?" He said
"Okay Matt dont say anything talk to him in fucking private for gods sake" i told him

"Whatever drama you kids have its better yourself settle it aside for later and come sit down for dinner" Tom Said

"Oh no thanks im really full" i said winking at mattheo and he just smirked and then chuckled knowing i was starving.

We sat down and ate and tom went over some things yk for the war.


Heyurr its been awhile.
~Love N
878 words

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