future reference

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a couple days later.

my alarm goes off at 7:30 waking me up. i groan sitting up thinking about how i have uni for 4 hours and practice for 2. meaning i won't get home till 3 but i'll probably go over to luke's after practice. i don't really want to leave ella for long. i've gotten used to being around her and now i hate it when she isn't. i'm growing too attached to this girl already. i've known her for nearly a month now. i'm whipped for her but i'll never admit it. especially to luke he's gonna take the piss out of me.

i go for a shower, brushing my teeth and getting changed once i've gotten out. i look at the time and realise i have to leave in 30 minutes. i go into the kitchen to make some toast. when i walk in i see ella making a cup of tea. when she hears the door open she smiles. 'morning ol, want a cup of tea?' she smiles. how i love that smile. i nod saying 2 sugars so she knows how i like it. she puts 2 sugars in each mug and putting the water in. i watch admiring her but also wanting to know how she likes her tea for future reference. she puts milk in both the cups adding more to hers. i put bread in the toaster for me and her to eat. while i'm waiting for the toast i go up to ella and sneak my arms around her waist. fuck it. she leans into me and i smile. 'are you okay?' ella asks concerned. 'i'm great' i smile 'okay, i just thought something was wrong because you just randomly hugged me' she says 'oh sorry, i just wanted to' i say unwrapping my hands round her waist moving back but she puts them back round her waist. 'it's okay, i like it' she smiles. a couple seconds later the toast pops up. i move to get the butter and butter the toast. we sit at the table together like we usually do now and eat out breakfast. 'are you going to be ready in 10?' i ask ella and she looks at me confused. 'we're leaving for uni' i say. 'i can walk you know oliver, i have legs' ella rolls her eyes. 'i know you do but last time you walked you slipped and broke your wrist.' i say, mentioning to the blue cast that's on her wrist which she got yesterday. 'that wasn't my fault, it was slippy' ella huffs. ella walks out grabbing the things from her room and i wait on the sofa. once she's ready we head out.

it was now free period, meaning me, ella and luke head to our usual spot that we came to on the first day. 'meet me by the car when you've finished, i'll drop you home and then go practice' i say to ella earning a look from luke which i choose to ignore. 'ol no i can walk, you don't need to go out your way for me.' ella says sincerely. 'ella i want to, and i'm dropping you home nothing you say or do will change that so i'm expecting to see you at the car after you finish.' i demand and ella rolls her eyes nodding. we eat our lunch and talk about random stuff before heading back to our lectures.

i wait for ella outside of her last lecture building and she comes out talking to a girl laughing with her when she sees me she smiles. 'oh hi ol, thought we're meeting by the car,' ella laughs from whatever her and the girl were talking about coming out. 'my lecture was in the next block to yours so i just thought to wait here instead.' i say 'oh oliver this is ivy, she sat next to me in lecture and we just started talking and next thing you know we're laughing and getting along.' ella says smiling at the girl who now i've found out is ivy. 'nice to meet you' ivy smiles 'hi.' i say and ivy looks taken back. 'el we better get going.' i say to her 'right right sorry, i'll text you later ivy' ella smiles and they hug saying goodbye. we head over to the car getting in it.

'oliver what was that for' ella says. 'what, what have i done?' i ask confused 'that was rude how you spoke to ivy' ella frowns. 'sorry, i'm just not good with people' i say feeling bad that i may have ruined ella's chance in making a friend i know she's had trouble with her anxiety. 'please just be nicer' ella says and i nod. a comfortable silence fills the car as we continue driving home. i drop her outside the dorms and bid her goodbye before going to training.

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