first day

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A/N - just a silly little series me and my friends are working on

    "Hey, do you know where I should go? It's my first day." You asked a random employee, who looked much younger than you. He looked barely old enough to work. He shrugged his shoulders before walking away. You rolled your eyes. What a great start. You mindlessly wandered the grocery store for what seemed like forever until you finally made your way to someone with a red 'manager' name tag on.
    It was your first day working at the grocery store, specifically the local Tesco. Not really where you dreamed of working. You thought after 20 years of living, you'd be a bit more successful with your life. But, It is what it is... This isn't exactly where you wanted to spend the entire Friday, especially with a date later in the night,  but you were broke, and any job would be helpful at this point. It seemed like the person with the manager name tag sensed you were there, because as you went to talk, he was already spinning around. Messy curls fell in front of his face, but he quickly swept them away, crossing his arms. His nails were painted black. God, does anyone professional work here? And was he wearing makeup? He definitely wasn't ugly.. Just looked like he didn't really belong in a Tesco. It seemed like you unknowingly made a disgusted expression, because he was already raising an eyebrow, confused.
    "Can I help you?" He asked, his tone sarcastic and annoyed. There was absolutely no way he was the manager.  Even though the tag stood right on his blue uniform, you still just couldn't even begin to fathom how they would hire someone like that. You already didn't like him. The smug tone, edgy look, he seemed like a stuck up of piece of -
    "Yeah hi, it's my first day." You told him your name, cutting your own thoughts off, and he smirked a little. You wondered what was amusing to him.
    "Oh, I wasn't expecting you to look like this."  he eyed you up and down, biting his lip. You raised your eyebrows in shock, confused as to why he was flirting with you barely 10 seconds after meeting you. Anger began to build in you. You had a (casual) boyfriend, if you just didn't engage, maybe he would leave it. But, a part of you still couldn't help but to be insecure, adjusting your hair and clothes subconsciously.
    "And what exactly is that supposed to mean...." You paused, reading his nametag. "...Matty?" He just smiled and laughed.
    "Don't worry sweetheart, just follow me, I'll get you trained." And before you even had time to answer, Matty was walking across the store in quick strides, causing you to almost run to catch up to him.
    "Don't call me sweetheart." You mumbled when you caught up, just loud enough for him to hear you, causing him to purse his lips, which you saw just barely in your peripheral vision. He hummed, annoyed, before opening the door to the back, where all of the stock was. Boxes were stacked on top of one another on all the large shelves in the store room.  You wouldn't even know where to start, there was just so much, but then again, that was typical for stores, especially bigger ones like this. To your side, Matty opened his arms, showing it off.
    "Voila, the stockroom." His stupid, sarcastic tone stuck, and you just wished you could punch him in the mouth to shut him up. Today was already stressful enough, starting a new job, having a date... you did not need Matty's smartass attitude. You had only just met him, but you were sure you didn't want to be around him anymore.
    "Okay? Can you just show me what I need to do? Don't really wanna be here longer than I have to be." And by that you meant being around him longer than you had to be. Matty scowled, getting the hint. He just started walking, and you followed.
    "It's pretty simple. Box. Aisle. Stock." You were confused, you hadn't even been told what you had to do yet. He took a smaller box off the shelf, it was marked as some random cereal you had never heard of.
    "What?" An eyebrow lifted. "What do you mean, 'Box. Aisle. Stock.'" You mocked his tone, crossing your arms and everything. He obviously was getting pissed off, a deep breath could be heard from where he was standing.
    "Oh my god, stop with the attitude will you?" Frustration leaked out of his voice. You just let out something that resembled 'mhm'. "I think I explained it pretty well. You take a box, look at the aisle number, bring it there, and stock the shelf. It's quite an easy job." You just nodded, taking the box and placing it on a holder that had wheels, in order to roll it to the aisle. It was just something you had seen in most stores, so you assumed that you could do that.
    "Can't carry it?" He snickered. Your face turned bright red, and you didn't bother to turn around as you picked up the box and walked out of the back, leaving him there. How could he embarrass you like that? What a prick. Hopefully he doesn't always work on this shift. You really, really hoped you wouldn't have to work with him often, because it would obviously just end in absolute hell. Soon after you walked out, you heard the same doors open again, and when you looked back, Matty was behind you. You rolled your eyes, but went back to the task at hand. He quickly caught up, stopping you.
    "What?" you asked, turning around. Matty was holding something in his hand.
    "Your uniform?" He asked, like it was obvious. Well.. it was,, but not when you wanted to get away from someone so badly. "Bathroom is over there..." he pointed. "Just go change, I'll be here." Bitterly, you grabbed the shirt and made your way to the bathroom, the box being placed in the aisle you were just in. You quickly rushed out of the aisle to the bathroom.
    You changed, looking at yourself in the mirror. You straightened out the shirt, which was at least a size too small. You couldn't button it fully, no matter how hard you tried. Frustration pooled in your body as the top button kept popping out, exposing a good amount of your cleavage. What size did he even give you? Did 'Matty' seriously think this would fit? What kind of name is Matty, anyway? Your thoughts spiraled through all of your anger as you finally decided just to go out and deal with it.
    As promised, Matty stood in the aisle, still staring at his phone. You got up in front of him, and  obviously something got his attention, because he turned his phone off, staring at your tits for a solid few seconds before looking up.
    "Too small?" He asked, timidly. You could feel the flush in your cheeks rise as he kept switching his view between your tits and your face. You quickly covered your breasts with your hand, an embarrassed expression growing as you stared at the ground.
    "What do you think?" You scowled, slightly uncomfortable with the whole situation. For some reason, you didn't mention your boyfriend to him. Usually if a guy pulled this shit, you would pull the whole, 'my boyfriend's gonna beat the shit out of you.' thing, but with Matty, you were curious. Hated him, but you were curious about where his nerve came from.
    "But I mean, I'm not complaining, I think they look quite-" a smirk grew on his face as he continued to stare, crossing his arms again. That goddamn nail polish pissed you off.
    "Shut. up. Do not finish that." you bluntly stated, picking up the box again, and making sure to cover your cleavage as you  walked. you turned around once more, not satisfied with the response you had given before. "Oh! And by the way. I don't get how you have the audacity to say that. You're a fucking pervert." And with another short, yet blunt response, you turned around (again) , and finally made your way to what you needed to do. You could feel his eyes on you as you exited the aisle, heading into the main walkway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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