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Coralia noticed the current around her changing subtly, and a silhouette emerged beside her, growing larger. She watched it approach, recognising its unique curves through the water and familiar shape.

"Galine!" she gasped, going to her daughter and embracing her tightly. "You're safe."

Galine leant into her mother, sighing happily. "I'm sorry, Mother. I was attacked."

Coralia let her daughter out of her embrace, noticing the cuts in her tail. "What did this?"

"Shark," Galine replied. "I was out for a swim one night and it bit me three times."

Coralia yanked Galine into a tight hug once again. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Galine said urgently. "Mother, there's an emergency. I think the sirens are back."

Coralia immediately let Galine out of her arms. "Sirens? How do you know?"

Galine sighed guiltily. "Mother, I cannot lie to you. I've been observing humans on land. One of them was acting strangely, and his eyes looked like our peoples' when they were possessed all those years ago. I don't know where or who the siren was, but... I heard their song through a human."

Coralia's expression grew wider with concern. "You're certain you heard a human singing?"

"Positive," Galine said directly. "I'm sorry I went against your wishes, Mother, but it's the only way I found out that they were back. I need help to find them."

Coralia paused worriedly. "Merina has been gone for the past day. She may have been taken."

Galine's eyes grew wide. "Merina is gone?"

"Yes. I have not seen her. She may be in danger."

Galine took a deep breath. "Mother, alert the merfolk. I am learning the human's language. I will warn who I can back on land."

"Just hold on a minute, Galine," Coralia said strictly. "No one can know of us."

"I will not tell any humans who already know about who I am, I promise, mother. The town on land is in danger!"

"That may be so, but if we're dealing with sirens, we may be able to stop them before they attack any more humans."

"So, what should I do? One of them is already possessed."

"Go back as soon as there is light. If you know who has been possessed, make sure to watch them, make sure they don't allure any others," she rummaged through a box, taking out a clam bracelet and putting it on Galine's wrist. "Keep this on."

Galine looked at it. it was dark aqua, just like her tail, but glowed in an eerie way. "What's this?"

"It's something that can help you break the spell on humans. Your father used to use it."

"But how do I use it?"

"If you see any humans under the spell from the possessed human, utter this spell: 'I call upon the power of the sea, curse of the siren now set free, remove the binding on this human, so that their future look can span.'."

Galine repeated the words. "Okay."

"Make sure to hold the clam as you recite the curse. And you must not break eye contact. No blinking, no wandering. Full concentration," Coralia said.

Galine nodded. "I will."

"Once light breaks, go back. Find that human and follow them. They may lead you to the siren."

"I will find the siren, Mother."

"I will alert the merfolk," Coralia stated. "We must find these sirens before it's too late."

"Mother," Galine said as Coralia turned away. "What if the sirens win?"

Coralia's expression changed. "The seas will remain dark forever. The sirens will possess every living creature on this planet. And under the spell for enough time, the creatures possessed will be killed by the songs they sing. Their leader will dominate all kinds and continue to get stronger."

Coralia's words set themselves deep into Galine's mind, leaving her speechless and afraid. It was foreign to her that a creature so similar to her own could hold such power, and such evil. Though rebellious, Galine was empathetic, gentle with all creatures, and was willing to do anything to prevent harm done to any of them.

"Get some rest, Galine," Coralia ordered. "We have work to do when you rise."


As sunlight poured into the water, Galine awoke, ready for her mission. She immediately returned towards Ironforge, not speaking a word to any mermaid in Neptunia. On her way, she hoped she'd find Merina.

The surf was rough, and the water was warm. Galine's head rose to the surface, just in view of the townsfolk. Though in view, she looked like a regular tourist, so no one approached her. She searched for Tony, but he was nowhere to be found. She found it strange. Tony would have stayed away from home with his friend possessed. The only other place she had seen him at was the beach. Where else could he be?

Suddenly, a high tone echoed around her. It was unheard underwater, so Galine was certain it was coming from someone on land, most likely the siren. Searching frantically around the shoreline, Galine spotted nothing out of the ordinary, but remained alert, following the sound cautiously.

Before she could give up, she noticed a little girl, open-mouthed on the beach, staring out to sea. Her pupils were big and wide, her expression vacant. Galine clutched her bracelet clam, uttering the spell, but no change occurred, confusing her. She had done everything her mother had told her to.

It came to her. Her people had a certain song to sing together in celebration. It was a celebration of difference. A celebration of power. In the tune of the song, the spell could work.

"I call upon the power of the sea, curse of the siren now set free, remove the binding on this human, so that their future look can span," she choired.

Suddenly, the littlegirl shook her head around, her eyes returning to normal, and she ran back toher mother on the sand. The spell had worked.

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