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A/N This is Maddie!! So I hope that you guys know what everyone looks like! If not then the picture of Lea is posted in the last chapter and this is Maddie!! BTW:Lea really does have her nose pierced like in the picture. Ok! Enjoy the chapter!

Lea's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning on a really comfy bed. I was confused till I remembered that Maddie and I had slept at the boys house. I felt arms rapped around me tightly not to tightly just tight enough, as if he was protecting me. I turned my head to see who it was and of course it was Harry. He must of carried me up to his room after the movie was over. I smiled and tried to get his arms off of me. ""Mmmmm." Moaned Harry. (A/N Not in a sexual way you perv.😂👌🏻✖️😏) "Let me go!" I said smiling. "Nooo." Harry said holding me tighter. "Harry." I whined. "Why?" He asked with his eyes still closed. "I have to pee." I said. "Classic." Harry said smirking and letting me go. I quickly got up and ran to his bathroom. "Had to go that bad?" Harry said coming into the bathroom and brushing his teeth. "Yep!" I said wiping and pulling my shorts up. "Um Harry? Did you change my cloths last night?" I asked looking at him with my eyebrows furrowed. "Uh yea...." Harry said scratching the back of his neck. "Well at least my bra and underwear are on." I said walking out of the bathroom. "What do you mean?" Harry asked also walking out of the bathroom. "Well if I wasn't wearing a bra or underwear. That would mean that you would have seen my boobs and other things... and I don't plan on showing you those things ever... Or at least not now." I said. "Aww." Said Harry pushing me on his bed. "Harry get off." I said pushing at his chest. "But baby." He said kissing me. "Harry stop." I Said trying to push him off of me, but he was a lot stronger than me. He stopped kissed me and just straddles my hips. "Hi!" I said. "You look very cute but I really have to go pee!" I said smiling. "Ughhh. Fine." Harry said dramatically and got off of me. I got off the bed and quickly went to the bathroom. I let out a small sigh of happiness when I started to pee. I peed for like a minute, that's like the longest I've ever peed before. I wiped and washed my hands and went back in Harry's room. I assumed that he went downstairs so I went down there too. I saw that the only people down here were Liam, Harry, and Lou. "Sup." I said. "Nothin much. What bout you?" They all asked in sync. I did half a silent laugh and went and sat down at the table and waited for Maddie to come down.

Liam Vs. Niall & Louis Vs. HarryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora