Chp 13

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A/n- the poetic rizzler has arrived , I am back and gonna start up writing more again . Enjoy the chapter :)

'' she needs more training but if you could ask laswell and get confirmation that would be good for her and us.''
Ghost spoke to price .
Price looked at ghost being surprised at his request but he shrugged and thought about it for a moment.
'' If you train her well and she passes the last test with the cadets , she can start going on minor missions with you and the others but if she gets hurt that is on you . she is in your hands now.''
Price responded as he did some more paperwork and looked up at ghost taking a drag from his cigar.

Ghost had thought about it and saw how good you were getting at training but he knew he would need to teach you how you use weapons and such to protect yourself and to take out the enemy fire .he knew it would be thought but he also knew that you were determined to fight . as you know would get experience on the field he knew it would be good for you but he also didn't want you to see the major horrors of fighting.

'' dismissed.''
Price spoke.
'' yes sir .''
Ghost replied and walked out of his office heading back to the rec room thinking . He knew you had something that wasn't right with you and he didn't want to add onto that and make it worse. The others wondered where ghost had gone but it wasn't long till they saw him again. Soap sat at the table with gaz and looked up at ghost and smirked.
'' look who decided to come back , came to see your ki-.''
'' johnny your testing me today .''
Ghost growled and soap quieted down with a slight nervous chuckle.

You turned your head to see him again and you looked up at him.
'' so where'd ya go ?..''
You asked with a feeling of uncertainty.
'' you will train with the cadets every day , brakes only on weekends and you will take the final test once you are done with training and you will be able to go on SMALL minor missions.''
Ghost said and you perked up and thought about it for a moment.

'' wait really ?.''
You said surprised and ghost nodded.
'' but you must finish your training and pass the last test.''
Ghost reminded you and you nodded.
You didn't want to disappoint ghost now so you knew you would give it your all and you figured you'd start tomorrow,
Soap talked to gaz for a moment at the table playing cards as you stood , growing comfortable around them but still hesitant and you turned on the tv and watched whatever was on for today.
Ghost walked back to his room and shut the door behind it locking it and he thought about everything. He knew things would change for the better but he honestly didn't know what they were going to do with you.

He knew you would run away from foster care seeing how you are and he knew CPS wouldn't be able to catch up with you either. He felt lost and confused. He acted like he knew what he was doing but in reality he was lost , he felt confused and he was even more confused as to why he felt like he had to protect you. He paced in his room trying to not let his thoughts overwhelm him and he sat on the edge of his bed with his hands on his knees.

As his thoughts started to spiral he heard a knock on his door . he looked up from his spot and he walked up to his dpor to be faced by you.
" Hey ghost."
You say as you look up at him confused.
His gaze was hard, and cold which had you confused.
" hey kid..."
Ghost responded as he looked at you with his cold haze.
" Uh about training ... .I'm gonna be the only 14 year old there ?."
You said confused.
" Yep ."
Ghost said.

Ghost didn't know what the problem really was until it clicked in his head that you were probably gonna be uneasy when around the other adults.
Considering that training was tomorrow didn't make it easier.
" Where will you be when I'm at training.?"
Ghost looked down at you and got on one knee and put his hands on your shoulders.
" I will be working , don't worry you will be okay. I'll shove my fucking boot down someone's throat if they bother you."
He said, causing you to let off a little chuckle.

As the reassurance did you some good you walked off back to your room , ghost watched from his doorway making sure you didn't roam off and he let off a sigh. He hoped for nothing to go wrong but he knows you're strong and can get through it. He knows that you're capable.

He would protect you in the dark and show you the light . As for he was like you and wants you to do right.

A/n 6/19/23 - also , asking for a vote but would y'all enjoy Miguel ohara one shots ?

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