Chris Chambers

13 2 0

They are all aged up to 16 years old, but you can imagine your age if you want!

Categories: fluff, angst, confession, lemon (heated but not enough to be classified as smut).

This one will be fluff and confession


It was a warm summer day in Castle Rock. I had just escaped my brother Ace who was a huge asshole, and was heading to the tree house where I hang out with my bestfriends. 

I was in  a good mood, the summer was being so perfect. It was like me, Teddy, Chris, Vern and Gordie were the only people in the entire world. We spended our days smoking, playing cards, listening to music and laughing to terrible jokes usually made by Teddy and Chris.

While I was walking to the tree house I tought of Chris and how beautiful his eyes were. Not only was he beautiful on the outside but he also had the most heartwarming personality I had ever witnessed. He was peaceful and kind even after being abused by his family. He was also caring and extremely funny.

We weren't dating but we acted as if we were already a couple for years, however we were both completely oblivious to each other's romantic feelings. Yeah we were stupid as fuck because it was more than obvious.

I heard laughing as soon as I aproached the tree house and made the secret knock. I was soon met by Chris's face, he helped me up by my hand and pushed me to the small table, me sitting on his lap since there wasn't another chair.

Teddy smirked at us and laughed as he said:

"Chris I've told you a million times, the tree house isn't big enough to have little Chambers-Merril running around!"

"You know that since I joined the group later there aren't enough chairs for all of us  you asshole, besides if we needed space we would all be happy to kick you out!" - I replied jockingly with an innocent smile earning laughs from everyone exept Teddy.

"She's right four eyes!'' - Gordie joined laughing even harder.

-------------------------------One week later--------------------------------------

The summer kept going amazingly, everyday was spent at the tree house, but today Ace was going to have the Cobras staying over at my house. I was definitly not going to sleep in there with those little shits. So I grabbed a blanket and decided I was going to stay at the tree house during the night.

I walked with Gordie and I explained to him where I was going to spend the night and why, he understood but said:

"(Y/n) we all care about you, and I don't think you should be there alone all by yourself at night, I'm not worried tough because I know Chris won't allow it, he will probably stay there with you. You know he really cares for you right?"

"Yeah I know Gordo. You all do. But I do understand he has a soft spot for me, I feel the same way about him tough."

"You should tell him, or else none of you will ever have the guts and you guys are gonna keep pretending you are just super close best friends, and we all know that's not the truth."

" Tell him what?" - I asked even tough I knew what Gordie ment.

"(Y/nnnnnn)" - He said dragging my name to make it sound more dramatic.

"Ok, ok, ok, I'll tell him" - Gordie looked surprised but happy, we soon reached the tree house.

----------------------------Few hours later--------------------------------------------------

Chris and I were alone at the tree house, he insisted he stayed with me. 

"Chris I have to tell you something"- I was with my head on his shoulder while the radio was in the background and he was reading some magazine Vern bought last week.

"Tell me anything. Why are you so serious tough, you are never serious (Y/n/n)" - he said with a soft chuckle I loved. Than we stared at each other for a while, taking each others features in. I gave up on trying to tell him akwardly with words and just kissed him.

He kissed back immediatly, one hand going to my cheek and the other to my waist, his thumb rubbing softly against my shirt, while we kissed for minutes, doing something we both wanted for years. It was passionate but not agressive. He was gentle and he pulled away and kissed every spot on my face, while I giggled, feeling the happiest I have ever been in a while.

He then looked at me and said:

''Jesus, I wanted to do that for so long, you are my girl now'' - He had the biggest smile I had ever seen on his pretty face.

"Kind of always have been, but yeah Chambers, I'm all yours now" - I pecked his lips and then we cuddled for the rest of the night.

------------------------------------One week later-------------------------

Me and Chris were constantly kissing, holding hands, I was always on his lap, hugging, cuddling. Let's just say we were really touchy. Vern pretended to vomit at all the PDA, Teddy made innapropriate jokes all the time and Gordie just smiled. 

As for Chris, I had that boy wrapped around my finger. We loved each other, we spended more nights on the tree house, just talking, kissing, cuddling. I was always straddling his lap while we made out (that was my favourite thing to do). He felt like a boyfriend and a best friends at the same time. We joked around a lot. It was the best time of my life.

Later on I never had a summer like the one I had when I was 16.


Thank you for reading!

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Madelyn Chambers

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