Missing you dumba$$

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Being comfortable with someone’s presence can be dangerous, both for your mind and heart. When you grow accustomed to their company, their absence leaves a void, an emptiness that is hard to ignore. You start to think about them constantly—every second, every minute, every hour. It’s like a missing piece in your life, an ache that lingers, making you question yourself, asking questions you can’t even answer.

That’s exactly how Demille felt when Andrey left for Barcelona a week ago. Since his departure, she hadn't been herself. Her mother and Nonna noticed the change and worried about her. Demille tried to shrug it off, but she couldn’t deny the truth. Andrey’s absence gnawed at her, leaving her restless and irritable. Every day, her mom teased her about Andrey, making sly remarks that Demille vehemently denied, though each denial felt more hollow than the last.

"How's he? Did he call or text you?" Letiza asked, watching her daughter pause mid-action.

Demille frowned, her hand freezing as she packed her clothes into a suitcase "No, he hasn’t. Maybe he’s doing okay" she said, trying to sound indifferent. "And why would I care?" She added, but the deep breath she took afterward betrayed her.

Letiza raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "You miss him, don’t you?"

"Ma, please!" Demille rolled her eyes and turned to face her mother. "I’m tired of hearing this every day since Andrey left"

"Well, you can’t stop me. It’s obvious you’re in love"

"I’m not!" Demille snapped, her voice rising in frustration "Just stop it!"

Letiza made a face, suppressing a laugh as she watched Demille struggle to close her suitcase. When Demille’s frustration boiled over into a glare, Letiza finally stopped laughing and stepped in to help her. Together, they managed to zip it shut, and Letiza helped her carry all the bags and suitcases downstairs.

Today was Demille’s flight to California for the San Diego Open, which would take place next week. She wasn’t ready to leave. Rome had always been her sanctuary, and the thought of leaving it behind filled her with a deep sense of nostalgia. Last night, during her mom’s early birthday celebration, Demille had gotten emotional, knowing she wouldn’t be home on the actual day.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Demille remembered something. "I forgot to give you this last night" she said, handing her mother a small, carefully wrapped package. "Happy birthday, Mamma"

Letiza’s eyes softened as she took the gift. She inhaled deeply, trying to hold back tears. "Your favorite son helped me pick it out" Demille added with a mischievous smile, watching as her mother laughed and slowly opened the package.

Inside was a delicate necklace with an opal pendant, its colors shifting in the light. "You’ll love it" Demille assured her, pleased with her mother’s reaction.

"Thank you, Dems" Letiza whispered, pulling her daughter into a long, warm hug. "It’s beautiful"

"Andrey said your birthstone is opal, a symbol of hope, purity, and truth" Demille mentioned casually, noticing the fond smile that spread across her mother’s face.

"That man knows too much" Letiza said with a chuckle "His future wife is definitely lucky to have him."

"Yeah... right" Demille whispered bitterly, her gaze drifting to her Nonna, who had just entered the living room still wearing her apron.

"Let’s eat before we take you to the airport" Nonna suggested, her warm smile making Demille’s heart ache with the knowledge that she was leaving soon.

They shared a quiet meal, the bittersweet mood lingering in the air. Afterward, Letiza and Nonna drove Demille to the airport. Saying goodbye was harder than Demille anticipated. She forced herself to smile, waving until her mother and Nonna were out of sight. Only then did she let herself cry quietly, the weight of her departure hitting her full force. Leaving them was the hardest part of her career.

The long flight to California was a blur. Demille spent most of the time reading, watching movies, and sleeping, trying to keep her mind off the gnawing emptiness she felt. By the time the plane landed, it was late afternoon. The airport was bustling with people, all rushing to reunite with loved ones. Demille quickly spotted her coaches, Klein and Juan, waving at her enthusiastically. They held a banner that read, "Your two handsome coaches are here!" which made her laugh despite her heavy heart.

Klein was the first to reach her, pulling her into a quick hug. "Welcome to California, Dems! How was your vacation?"

"Great!" she responded, grateful for the familiar faces.

"Welcome to the San Diego Open!" Juan added, ruffling her hair playfully. "We should grab a drink and chill before the stressful training starts, right?"

Demille rolled her eyes. "I missed you two, even if you are annoying."

"Of course you did!" Klein teased as Demille hugged them both.

They headed to a nearby fast-food joint, where Klein and Juan peppered her with questions about Andrey. Demille, determined to keep her feelings hidden, pretended not to hear them, focusing instead on her food.

"Come on, Dems! You know all about the women I’ve dated, all my sad stories, all my problems," Juan complained, feigning hurt. "How dare you not share your love story with us?"

"Andrey and I are just friends, okay?" Demille shot back, exasperated.

"We don’t believe you" Klein said, shrugging "It’s written all over your face."

"Well, it’s not my problem then. Besides, he’s not my type" she muttered, avoiding their knowing looks as she continued eating.

Despite her protests, Juan and Klein exchanged skeptical glances, but they dropped the subject, sensing her discomfort. Later that night, they dragged her to a club near their hotel. Demille reluctantly followed, finding herself amidst a sea of WTA players, all dancing, singing, and enjoying themselves before the upcoming tournament. She tried to join in the fun, but her heart wasn’t in it.

After a few too many shots, Demille decided to call it a night. The final straw was running into Astrid, who greeted her with a fake smile. Ignoring her, Demille walked past, feeling her patience wear thin. All she wanted was to be alone, away from the noise and the questions she wasn’t ready to face.

Back in her hotel room, Demille took a quick shower and called her mom to let her know she had arrived safely. As expected, Letiza scolded her when she noticed Demille sounded a bit tipsy. Demille just laughed it off, enjoying the familiar warmth of her mother’s concern.

After the call, she checked her messages and was surprised to see one from Andrey—the first since he left for Barcelona. Her heart skipped a beat as she opened it.

The Weird Russian Guy:

Heyyyyy! How are you? Are you already in California?

Demille rolled her eyes, feeling a surge of frustration. How many times had she waited for him to text? Days had passed with no word from him, and now he reached out as if everything was normal. She turned off her phone, refusing to reply. The sting of his absence and the casual tone of his message only made her miss him more, though she would never admit it to herself.

Curling up under the covers, Demille tried to push thoughts of Andrey from her mind. But as she closed her eyes, his face lingered in her thoughts, making her question what she really felt for him—and whether she had the courage to face those feelings head-on.




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