{10} Decisions

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so, guys, since i’m officially finished with high school, i’m gonna start to post daily. i have written down some much for the next chapters and what i want the book to develop into and i hope you like it ♡

He pulls out of me suddenly. I wince. He sits up on the bed and throws the used condom in a wastebasket.

“Come on, we need to get dressed – that’s if you want to meet my mother.” He grins, leaps up off the bed, and pulls on his pants, no underwear! I struggle to sit up as I’m still tethered.

“Bible – I can’t move.”

His grin widens, and leaning down, he undoes the tie. The woven pattern has made an indented pattern around my wrists. It’s...sexy. He gazes at me. He’s amused, his eyes dancing with mirth. He kisses my forehead quickly and beams at me.

“Another first,” He acknowledges, but I have no idea what he’s talking about.

“I have no clean clothes in here.” I am filled with sudden panic, and considering what I’ve just experienced, I’m finding the panic overwhelming. His mother! Holy crap. I have no clean clothes, and she’s practically walked in on us in flagrante delicto. “Perhaps I should stay here.”

“Oh, no, you don’t,” Bible threatens. “You can wear something of mine.” He’s slipped on a white t-shirt and runs his hand through his just-fucked hair. In spite of my anxiety, I lose my train of thought. Will I ever get used to looking at this beautiful man? His beauty is derailing.

“Build, you could be wearing a sack and you’d look lovely. Please don’t worry. I’d like you to meet my mother. Get dressed. I’ll just go and calm her down.” His mouth presses into a hard line. “I will expect you in that room in five minutes, otherwise I’ll come and drag you out of here myself in whatever you’re wearing. My t-shirts are in this drawer. My shirts are in the closet. Help yourself.” He eyes me speculatively for a moment, then leaves the room.

Holy shit. Bible’s mother. This is so much more than I bargained for. Perhaps meeting her will help put a little part of the jigsaw in place. Might help me understand why Bible is the way he is...suddenly, I want to meet her. I pull my shirt off the floor, and I’m pleased to discover that it has survived the night well with hardly any creases and dress quickly. But if there’s one thing I hate, it’s not wearing clean underwear. I rifle through Bible’s chest of drawers and come across his boxer briefs. After pulling on a pair of tight gray Calvin Kleins, I tug on my jeans and my shoes.

Grabbing my jacket, I dash into the bathroom and stare at my too-bright eyes, my flushed face – and my hair! Holy crap... just-fucked hair does not suit me either. I hunt in the vanity unit for a brush and find a comb. It will have to do. I despair at my clothes. Maybe I should take Bible up on his offer of clothes. My subconscious purses her lips and mouths the word ‘ho’. I ignore her. Struggling into my Bible’s white shirt, pleased that the cuffs cover the tell-tale patterns from his tie, I take a last anxious glance at myself in the mirror. This will have to do. I make my way into the main living room.

“Here he is.” Bible stands from where he’s lounging on the couch.

His expression is warm and appreciative. The brown-haired woman beside him turns and beams at me, a full megawatt smile. She stands too. She’s impeccably attired in a camel-colored fine knit dress with matching shoes. She looks groomed, elegant, beautiful, and inside I die a little, knowing I look such a mess.

“Mother, this is Jakapan Puttha. Build, this is Som Chaisai Sumettikul.”

Dr. Sumettikul holds her hand out to me.

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