{22} Phuket

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I am manicured, massaged, and I’ve had two glasses of champagne. The First Class lounge has many redeeming features. With each sip of Moet, I feel slightly more inclined to for­give Bible and his intervention. I open up my laptop, hoping to test the theory that it works anywhere on the planet.

From: Jakapan Puttha
Subject: Over-Extravagant Gestures
Date: November 30 2022
To: Wichapas Sumettikul

Dear Mr. Sumettikul
What really alarms me is how you knew which flight I was on. Your stalking knows no bounds. Let’s hope that Dr. Flynn is back from vacation. I have had a manicure, a back massage, and two glasses of champagne – a very nice start to my vacation.

Thank you.


From: Wichapas Sumettikul
Subject: You’re Most Welcome
Date: November 30 2022 21:59
To: Jakapan Puttha

Dear Mr. Puttha
Dr. Flynn is back, and I have an appointment this week.
Who was massaging your back?

Wichapas Sumettikul
CEO with friends in the right places, Sumettikul Enterprises Holdings Inc.

Aha! Pay back time. Our flight has been called so I shall email him from the plane. It will be safer. I almost hug myself with mischievous glee.

There is so much room in first class. Champagne cocktail in hand, I settle myself into the sumptuous leather window seat as the cabin slowly fills. I call Mark to tell him where I am – a mercifully brief call, as it’s so late for him.

“Love you, Dad,” I murmur.

“You too, Bui. Say hi to your mom. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” I hang up.

Dan is in good form. I stare at my Mac and with the same childish glee building. Opening my laptop, I log into the email program.

From: Jakapan Puttha
Subject: Strong Able Hands
Date: November 30 2022 22:22
To: Wichapas Sumettikul

Dear Sir

A very pleasant young man massaged my back. Yes. Very pleasant indeed. I wouldn’t have encountered Jean-Paul in the ordinary departure lounge – so thank you again for that treat.
I’m not sure if I’ll be allowed to email once we take off, and I need my beauty sleep since I’ve not been sleeping so well recently.
Pleasant dreams Mr. Sumettikul...thinking of you.


Oh, he’s going to flip out – and I shall be airborne and out of reach. Serves him right. If I’d been in the ordinary departure lounge then Jean-Paul wouldn’t have gotten his hands on me. He was a very nice young man, in a blonde, perma-tanned way – honestly, who has a tan in Bangkok? It’s just so wrong. I think he was straight – but I’ll just keep that detail to myself. I stare at my email. Us is right. It is like shooting fish in a barrel with him. My subconscious stares at me with an ugly twist to her mouth – do you really want to wind him up? What he’s done is sweet, you know! He cares about you and wants you to travel in style. Yes, but he could have asked me or told me. Not made me look like a complete klutz at check-in. I press send and wait, feeling like a very naughty girl.

“Mr. Puttha, you’ll need to stow your laptop for take-off,” The over-made-up flight attendant says politely. She makes me jump. My guilty conscience is at work.

“Oh, sorry.”

Crap. Now I’ll have to wait to know if he’s replied. She hands me a soft blanket and pillow, showing her perfect teeth. I drape the blanket over my knees. It’s nice to feel mol­lycoddled sometimes.

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