studies. (2)

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Niragi woke up at around 7:00, giving him thiry minutes to get ready and 30 minutes to walk to school. He slowly turned off the god-awful sound of his phone alarm and grabbed his spare glasses. He groaned as he woke up and got out of his bed. He slowly crept to the bathroom, closing the door before turning on the shower and taking off his clothes, he waited a moment before walking into the shower, flinching as he got in the shower due to water hitting his scars and bruises with high pressure. He spent around ten minutes in the shower before turning it off, walking out, and putting a towel around his waist. He walked back to his bedroom, slightly humming a song. He knew he wouldn't be having a good day, so he just decided to enjoy his second of happiness.

Niragi grabbed a pair of gray boxers, a white button-up undershirt, white socks, black uniform pants, and his school uniform top. He put them on and looked in a full-body mirror in his bedroom. He sighed and walked through his hallway and stopped at the front door, bending down and putting his shoes on slowly. He stood back up and put his hand on the doornob, turning it and walking through the doorframe and closing the door once more. He grabbed his cellphone that was in his backpack and a pair of wired headphones. He plugged the cord into his earphone jack and opened up a music streaming app, he opened up a random playlist of his and started to play it as he continued to walk.

After twenty-three minutes of him walking, he arrived at school, giving him about seven minutes to walk to his class. He walked into the school with his head down, trying to avoid any eye contact. He arrived at his classroom at sat in the front of the class, as he normally did. He bent down and grabbed his textbook from under his desk, and lightly placed it in front of his body. He grabbed a pen and a bottle of whiteout from his backpack and placed them next to his textbook, he felt a crumpled piece of notebook paper being thrown to the back of his head and hitting the floor next to him. He bent down to grab it and he uncrumpled it, it had a hideous drawing with a couple of words written. The drawing was messy that he could barely see what it was, it vaguely looked like his face with some buttons on it, and the text read 'after school, you know where.' He sighed and put the put the paper inside of his backpack. He took out his headphones as the teacher walked in, and stood up and bowed with the rest of the class. The entire class all sat down at the same time.

"Hello, students. Please open your textbooks to page two hundered eighty-two. I'll give you five minutes to do the review and then we'll start with our new lesson." The teacher said with a smile and sat down at a chair behind her desk.

Niragi did as she said and opened up his textbook, grabbing his pen and writing sentences in English. He set down his pen and looked up with his hands folded. He waited until the five minutes was over.

His teacher stood up, "Please turn to the next page."

The class did as they were told. Nirgai blankly stared at the teacher the entire time she was explaining the work. He had previously studied English, so he didn't necessarily need to pay attention in this class to pass his tests. The teacher finished in around fifty minutes. He did the finishing review of today's lesson and closed his textbook. The teacher then handed out an algebra pop-quiz to the students. Niragi had put his name on the paper and started working on it, effortlessly doing the work. He had noticed someone peering over his shoulder, to which he slightly shifted his to completely block his view. He had finished the test and walked up to his teachers desk, handing it to her with a smile.

"Good job, Niragi." She whispered with a smile, instantly grading it as he handed it in. He had got a perfect score. He smiled as she handed his paper back, "You did great, once again!" She whispered as Niragi bowed before walking back to his seat. He put the paper into his backpack and waited at his desk for his classmates to finish. He was clearly put in the wrong classroom. He was practically the only smart person in that class, everyone else practically were brainless idiots.

The teacher dismissed them for lunch, to which he went to a bathroom at that school that really nobody went to. He hid in there for the full thirty minutes of lunch break, and he walked back to his classroom. He walked in and saw some rude things written on his desk in whiteboard marker. He erased it with his uniform sleeve and grabbed a small paper, and started writing on it, making small doodles on the side, which were base designs for game characters he was creating.

The rest of the school day passed slowly, but when the day finally finished. He walked to the normal spot where his harassment would take place. The group of guys were already there, with smirks on their faces they slowly walked up to Niragi.

"This will be fun." The group leader said.

(A.N, this is kinda crap because I'm working on it while on a road trip, so please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes.)

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