𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚛𝚢

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David opens his eyes and squints against the heat of the sun pouring down on him, the window across the room is ajar, letting the morning air fill the room as he wakes from his night of fitful sleep. David hopes that last night was a bad dream, a tortured fragment trapped in his mind, but the soreness on his back from the bruises that Exer missed and the fact that he's awake in the Campbell's house tell him that it most certainly was not.

The memories spill into his mind;

Slammed doors,

angry tears,

the way his face felt against the linoleum floor.

Exer, oh Exer

He is nowhere in sight, David stares at the imprint in the sheets beside him, where Exer whispered hushed comforts and aching words the night before. He wishes he was here, he wishes he had woken up beside him.

David's face flushes at the thought of it,

Why am I like this?

He drags his palms over his face, wiping the last remnant of sleep away.

David swings his legs over the bed, letting his bare feet hit the cold floor. He moves slowly through the hall, by now he's an expert at finding the silent floorboards and quiet steps. He had to be when living in a house with someone like his father, who angered at the slightest noise, the smallest notion that David existed. He makes it to the landing when he hears Harry's voice,

I didn't know he was back , David thinks.

"What do you expect, we just kick him out?! Make him go back- back there ?" Exer hisses in hushed tones. David can't see them, but he can imagine the look on Exer's face, angled brows, and sharp eyes. He takes one more step down.

"Of course not, but this is serious, it cannot be handled lightly,"

"Don't you think I know that! It is serious, he hurt him dad, really hurt him . I'm not going to let anything happen to him, he's my bo- he's my..." David hears Exer shutter out a breath, the implied end of his sentence hangs heavy in tether between them, David's cheeks tint pink once again, "He's my best friend Dad,"

Harry sighs and the guilt bubbles up in David,

They're fighting because of me.

David falters, he shuts his eyes and takes in a breath of air, he doesn't want to burden them with the responsibility of looking after him. David makes his way to the end of the stairs,

"Exer, I know and I fully believe you bu-"

They both turn to David, the room falls silent. Awkward stillness surrounds them, and they look at David like he's some wounded baby bird. David manages an awkward laugh, he shuffles his feet around and waits for someone to fill the void,

No one does.

"Um... It's okay guys, seriously, I can- uh... I could call my mom. It's fine..." David hears his voice break, his hands start to waver, he can't handle the amount of pity in their eyes.

The corners of Exer's lips curl downward in a way that makes David mourn the memory of his smile.

"David," Harry says softly,

and the tears begin to slip.

Not again, he thinks.

Exer rushes to him, and Harry isn't far behind, they wrap their arms around him, and it's safe and warm, and David doesn't ever want to leave.

"I'm sorry, " he hiccups, "I- I don't want you guys to think I'm broken... I'm not , and I don't want to intrude on your space... i- I'm just sorry,"

Exer shushes him but refuses to pull back and meet his eyes, he's too busy clinging onto David, his arms curled gently around his back. Harry rests a hand on his shoulder. His eyes flick between the two boys for a moment, but they return to David's.

"Son, you have nothing to apologize for, okay? Your father's actions are a reflection of his character, not yours,"

David sniffles and blinks back the tears, "o-okay,"

"And you're always welcome here, for as long as you need, but I do think calling your mother is a good idea,"

David nods and Exer finally pulls away,

"How about some tea? I'll put the kettle on," Harry moves to the kitchen, deciding to give them some space.

The room feels different now that Harry is gone, David doesn't know what to say or do really. Lucy runs down the stairs and curls herself around David's leg, a small comfort.

Exer stares at him. His eyes are green again, brilliant and bold and unwavering. David knows he would let those eyes stare at him forever.

"You're not broken Day, I never thought you were,"

David pauses, they are so close together, he can feel Exer's breath brush against his neck, David skims his pink-tipped knuckles against the back of Exer's hand, a silent question.

"Thank you," David breathes, and Exer takes his hand,

Lucy meows from below, a small smile slips across Exer's face, and David no longer mourns.


All chapter titles are Lana Del Rey songs <3

𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎Where stories live. Discover now