𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚎

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The peace is short-lived

There comes a knock on the door, and the noise echoes about the house. David and Exer are sitting on the couch, their knees drawn up to their chest as they whisper small talk between them. They both turn to the noise, quieting.

Nobody moves, Harry peeps his head around the corner, two mugs of tea are clutched in his hands. He walks over and passes them to the boys. The cup is warm beneath Exer's touch, it's Chamomile, his favorite.

"Let me get that," Harry says, giving both of them a reassuring smile, but before Harry can reach the door another knock comes, this time harder and quicker. It sends a weird shiver down Exer's spin, don't open it , he wants to say.

"Wait, Dad-"

The door clicks open, and the room falls silent. Exer can't see the person behind the door, but he knows who it is, he knows by the way David's eyes widen and pales as the person speaks, and how he sinks further into himself.

"Where is my son?!" William shouts from behind the door, Exer shoots upward and scrambles to his feet.

"William, I don't know what you're talking about?" Harry replies, smoothly, and Exer is surprised at how easily the lie rolls out his mouth. His father hates to lie.

"Cut the crap, you're fucking demon child basically kidnaped him last night after he broke into my house," Exer's face twists into a look of disgust, demon child? I'll show you a demon-

"Exer," David whispers, "I talk with him, your father doesn't need to lie," David tries to get up, he places the tea on the table, but Exer rushes in front of him,

"What?! No, Day- David, what if he hurts you again?"

"Will, honey? What's going on?" Linda yells from the car, William must have brought her as some fucked up emotional support, if only she knew, Exer thinks.

"It's okay Ex," David says, offering a limp smile.

"Nothing Linda! I'm just getting David, " William shouts back, "Now let me in,"

"I can't do that," Harry says calmly, William grabs the door and tries to push it open. This is crazy, there is too much going on, David walks past him,

"David no-"

"Dad! Stop," he says, coming into William's line of sight,

A sickening smile spreads across his face and Exer has never hated him more, "I knew he was here," William gloats. How? How could David be related to a person like that? Exer pondered.

David was like pink sunset and freshly grown leaves, someone so undeniably kind, young, and caring that it made Exer sick at the thought that Willaim had been hurting him all these years.

"Come on David, we've been worried sick," William lies, almost as easily as Harry.

"Dad can we talk about this, I- I don't want to go with you,"

"Nonsense let's go,"

"Dad, please, " David's voice is strained, he's losing his confidence, "Please just calm down," Harry puts himself in front of David, like a barrier.

"You're not in charge?! Now come!" William's voice raises and David just cowers, Exer feels his magic begin to slip.

"Listen to him," Harry says firmly,

"William?!" Linda yells again,

"Shut up Linda!" he screams, his anger taking hold of him, it blazes in his eyes and it's frightening and ugly, "David if you don't get your ass in the car in 5 seconds I swear to god-"

"He's not going with you!" Exer calls out, he has a splitting headache and he's very much aware of how the ground shakes slightly beneath his feet. Harry turns to him, worried that his magic could cause another earthquake, breathe , Exer thinks, remember to breathe.

"William this is ridiculous, David will not be leaving," Harry says, grabbing the door, "Now, If you don't get off my property I will be calling the police," Harry doesn't need to close the door, because Exer's magic has already slammed it shut. The door locks automatically and they all stand still, hearing William bang and punch the door, wishing it was all their faces. The sound continues until it becomes weaker, quieter, until the sweat bliss of silence follows as he drives off. The wheels of his car screech in defeat.

"Ex," David takes hold of his elbow, urging him to look, "Exer breathe," he directs, and Exer realizes how much anger he was still holding on too. His hands are wound up firmly, and the lamp a few feet away hovers. Exer felt like a knot wound tight again and again and again.

He feels his magic shudder down his skin, it's in the warmth of his palms, his head, his heart.




David, focus on David, he thinks. He takes in his face, David's eyes are circled gently with worry, causing a small crease on his forehead which disrupts the young lines of his face. A steady stream of sunlight parts down the center of the room, sending a strip of light over David's cheeks. His hair glows gold and his eyes look like the morning sky before a storm, but most of all David looks tired. He feels the knot begin to loosen within.

He stares at David's lips- god his lips.

Parted and Rosy, they remind him to relax, to breathe. He feels his magic fall away, tucking back into the deepest corners of his mind.

"That's good son, you're getting better at that," his father juts in.

Oh, I forgot he was here, Exer flushed in embarrassment, but no one noticed.

"Could I... uh call my mom now? I'm so sorry again, I didn't mean to put you guys through this," David let go of his arm and Exer didn't even realize the touch was there, until it was gone. It just felt so natural, and Exer is very much aware of how much he craves it, craves David's touch, his hands, his lips. He wants to hold him, never let him go. He wants to protect him and shield him from all the hurt the outside could bring.

And Exer realizes that this isn't natural, you're not supposed to love- and I mean really love your best friend. Not in his school, not in his town, not in the 80's.

And Exer knows this, but that's never stopped him, and he knows it never will.

"Of course you can, and please, no more apologies, like I said, none of this is your fault,"

Davis nods to Harry once again, but Exer knows he needs more convincing than that.

David makes his way up the stairs and disappears behind the corner.

𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎Where stories live. Discover now