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I woke to Lars stepping on me. "Lars!" I yelled as he continued to walk away. I rolled on my back and looked at the ceiling. That guy from last night popped in my head. Him on stage was amazing. I never learned his name.

I slowly got up and went to the bathroom. I took a piss and walked down stairs. "Godmorgen!" Lone and Torben said to me at the same time. "Godmorgen!" I said back sitting at the table. Lone handed me a plate with bacon and a cream cheese danish. I thanked her and started eating.

"So dad, you guys want me out of the house since I graduated and everything right?" Lars said, looking up from his empty plate. "Yes." Torben said while drinking his coffee. Me and Lone both stopped what we were doing to listen.

"Well you offered to pay for a place to live and I was wondering if you would help me get a place in Castro Valley. I found this guy from there that we really need him in the band and said he'd join if I would relocate the band closer. Plus then me and Ember are out of here and you wouldn't have to deal with us or band practice." Lars said finally stopping. He always over talks and explains.

Torben chuckled at him as he seemed worried about it. "Of course son, but if I buy you a place you are responsible for the bills." Torben said getting up to refill his coffee. "And I want you to come visit every once in a while." Lone said, before going back to cooking.

Lars smiled at me before saying, "Thank you guys". They both chuckled at him and told us to run along like we were 7. We got up and went to his room.

"You think I could borrow at least a shirt. Mine smells like shit." I said, smelling my shirt. Lars nodded and threw me one of his Deep Purple shirts. I went into the bathroom and took my Runaways shirt off. I walked out and Lars was already dressed.

"It's 7 right now so I'll go call James." Lars said leaving the room. I sat on his bed and picked out a record. I picked out the only Misfits album he had and put it on. I sat there and listened to it waiting for Lars. Soon Lars came in with an irritated look on his face.

"James said give him 30 minutes but that he would only take us there because he has to work so we have to find a ride home or we're walking." He said sitting next to me. "You really need to get a car." I chuckled.

He scoffed and pushed me. I pushed him back and it soon turned into a fight. Not like yelling and beating each other, but a playful fight. Soon he pushed me on the ground and I landed on his magazines.

I tried to not to laugh as he rolled around on his bed laughing. I got up and sat on my bed laughing. Then a honk came from outside. We got up and ran out the door.

~Everything You Need~         Cliff x OCWhere stories live. Discover now