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I finished helping Lone, "Thank you dear!" Lone said, hugging me. "Of course!" I said as we let go. "Good to see you dear!" Torben hugged me. We said goodbye and I left.

I saw Natalya and Cliff talking and they seemed to be really serious. Natalya saw me standing there by her window. She opened the door and I got in, "Whatcha talkin about?" I asked, looking at her. "Taxes... No, we were talking about music." she said before looking out the window as Cliff started to back out.

"Aaaaw, shucks." I said as I pressed play on the radio and Fame started at the lyrics. I rewound it to the beginning.

The song started as we drove down the road. I sang as we drove, "FAME! Makes a man take things over! FAME! Let him loose, hard to swallow!". Cliff looked at me with that smirk.

I got closer to his face and sang, "Faaaaaaame!". He looked at me then my mouth then my eyes. I smiled and got out of his face. "Oh just kiss him! You know you want to." Natalya said. I lightly punched her in the arm.

He chuckled and I looked at him. He watched the road before side eyeing me with that smirk. I smiled and put my head on his shoulder.

Soon the song ended along with the tape. I picked up my head and dug through the tape. "Is there any Queen?" Natalya asked. "Nope." I said with a frown. I picked up Rumors by Fleetwood Mac and Natalya snatched it out of my hand, "THIS!". I took the tape back and put it on.

We drove down the road singing and listening to the album. Me and Cliff made eye contact a lot. We finally made it to the house and all got out and went inside.

Kirk was in the kitchen getting beers and James was on the couch. Lars was not to be seen yet. I walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer. "What's on?" I asked, sitting next to the couch. "M*A*S*H" James said, taking his beer from Kirk.

Lars came out of the bathroom and we all watched tv for a little while. "Do you guys have more than just beer?" Natalya asked. Everyone looked at me as I was an avid drinker of liquor. I shook my head.

"I'll go get some." Kirk said. "I'll come with," Natalya said, getting up with Kirk. "Grab some Vodka." I said to her, she nodded. "Get another 12 pack of Heineken!" Lars said. They nodded and went out the door.

We sat there for a minute before I got the chills. "What do you mother fuckers have the thermostate at?" I asked, getting up. They all shrugged as I walked over to it. 76 degrees. I shrugged and went to get my blanket.

I realized I had the money Torben gave me in my pocket. I took it out and put it in my change jar behind my record crate. The jar was painted so you couldn't see in it. I saw the new records I bought on my bed and I went to put them in the crate with the others.

"James wants to know if you have any paints for fabric." Cliff said, leaning against the door frame. "I might, why?" I asked, looking over at him. He walked over by me and sat next to me. "He has the big ass piece of fabric and he wants to make it into a Metallica thing." he said looking at me.

"I have some but he can't use them. I'll do it for you guys." I said getting up and grabbing my blanket. He stood up and walked over to me with that smirk on his face, "You're so gorgeous".

I looked up at him with that stupid smile I couldn't get off my face, "Well your Charming!" I said lightly punching his shoulder.

He grabbed my face and placed a soft kiss on my lips. We broke the kiss and stared at each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I was gonna ask you if maybe soon you want to go do something. Me and you." He said caressing my cheek. "I would love that!" I said smiling up at him.

~Everything You Need~         Cliff x OCWhere stories live. Discover now