First Day

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I walk around the school looking confused until i spot the big sign that says main office. I walk inside and ask for assistance.

"Can i help you?" The woman at the desk says. She was in her 50's and had brown curly hair and green eyes.

"I-I'm new here." I stuttered.

"Skylar Lousie Munich?" She said. I nodded my head and gave me my schedule, locker combination.

I located my locker which was directly next to the gym. I placed my binder and textbooks. Since my locker was conveniently next to the gym, and i knew what i had first, i read my Schedule.

Advanced Physics
AP English Language Arts
Global history
AP trigonometry

The first period bell rang and everyone rushed to gym.

"Um excuse me... Im new. My name is Skyler Munich." I say as i spot my gym teacher. He looks at me and examines my sweater.

"Let me ask you something Tyler." He said

"Skyler." I correct him.

"You played for Florida Thunder Last year?" He said. I nodded my head.

"We lost to you guys in the American High School co-ed championships. Remember that?" I nod my head once again.

"I was actually the-" i started saying. But i got cut off when He finished my sentence and said

"Captain. I remember now. You were the meanest girl out there. I think you fought one of senior Rickey Star last year." He said.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Center?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Listen, My center Cody broke his foot, neck and basically his entire body."

"During a hockey game?" I Asked.

"No he jumped off a high water cliff when his family took him to Cuba." He said.

"Anyway, point is we need a new center and the hockey god has answered my prayers... I was doubting we would even have a shot of going in to the playoffs however, you showed up. I want you to be apart of my team." He said.

"Um ok." I said.

"You are now apart of the San Diego Sandstorm. Practice today. Game tomorrow. Ice rink is in the West building." He said.

"Wait i have a photoshoot today after school." I said.

Suddenly a boy with blue eyes and brown hair boy jumped in to the conversation. "What are you some kind of model?"

"Actually I am." I said. His eyes opened up.

"I guess you will play tomorrow with no practice. I believe in you Tyler." He said walking away.

"Skyler." I said correcting him. As he walked away.

"Wait coach! This is the replacement for Cody? A girl?" He asked.

"Mason, meet Tyler." The coach said

"Skyler" i said once again correcting him.

"She was apart of the Florida Thunder whom beat us last year and the Finals. Hell, she was captain of The Florida Thunder." He said.

"Wait coach. Was she the one who Fought Ricky Star?" Mason asked. Coach nodded his head.

"But she is a girl." Mason said.

"And you're a sexist Jackass." I responded.

"This is co-ed." The coach said.

"She is playing Mason. Whether you like it or not. I like your attitude Skyler"


AP language arts-
I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes appeared
"Hey. I'm Hailey."

"I'm Skyler." I responded.

"A rumor is going around saying that you are a model and you are going to be playing center at our hockey team" She said.

"I guess news spreads fast in this school." I responded.

The Lunch Bell rang and Hailey grabbed my hand and directed me towards her group of friends. I guess you can call them popular.

"Guy's this is Skyler." She said.

"I'm Mike, what are you doing after school." He said with a smirk. He gave a high five to someone else laughing across the table. I knew he meant it in a wrong way.

"Mike leave her alone." Another girl said.

"Anyone but you." I responded. I heard oooohs. And laughs.

"So we heard you are a model." Another girl said.

"yeah. I actually have a photoshoot later." I said.

"You know you are probably going to be the cheerleader everyone will be drooling over." They said.

"Cheerleader? No i play on the Hockey Team." I said.

The whole table was silent. I got stares all around me and there mouths dropped.

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