Chapter 1

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*trigger warning:Death/trauma*

"Hey Tai can you push me on the swings?" the little girl asked as she pulled her brother by his sleeve.

"Hold on now Eimi, it's about to start raining" the older boy looked at the pout his little sister was now sporting.

"How about we go get ice cream instead" he added, Eimi eyes lit up as she started to bounce with excitement.

"Can I get mint chocolate chip" she asked, anyone could see this girls excitement from a mile away.

"Sure thing munchkin' let's go" Tai smiled fondly.
As they arrived at the ice cream parlour Tai quickly realized that there weren't any tables to sit at so they took their ice cream and made their way home.

'At least we won't get caught up in the heavy storm' he thought as raindrops lightly started to hit the hood of his jacket.

"If you don't keep your hood up you are gonna catch a cold" Tai warned, Eimi huffed as she finished the rest of her cone.

"But I like the feeling of the rain hitting my scalp, it's soothing" she protested

"You're such a weird kid" Tai chuckled looking at Eimi

"I just really like the rain" she defended, arms now crossed with an embarrassed frown on her face. The way it feels hitting her skin, the way it sounds against the rooftops and the pavement, the smell of it hitting warm gravel.

They continued to walk down the street in a comfortable silence, when they made their way to a crosswalk waiting for their turn to walk.When the light turned green signaling they could walk across the street, Tai heard screaming, as he looked around for the source, he could see a car losing traction as he sped down the wet road heading straight for a little girl completely oblivious to the situation, ranting about the several points she had come up with during the silence, about how the rain was an incredible feeling.

"EIMI" Tai pushed her out of the way as his side slammed into the front of the car his body was pushed forward from the momentum as Eimi sat there disoriented.

"Tai" she asked weakly

"are you..okay" no response

"Tai" she asked again, louder this time.

'maybe he didn't hear me' she thought.

Still she got no response as she sat on the road finally letting her tears fall.

'he can't be gone' she told herself.

Bystanders tried to move her away from the area but she wasn't listening to them as she made her way over to her brothers lifeless body, it is then that she started to hear her brothers voice

"I'm so sorry Eimi" he said only his mouth wasn't moving and he still wasn't breathing

"I don't want to leave you" the voice continued

"Tai" Eimi asked confused was she imagining it no she couldn't be the sound was so clear and then she noticed the bright purple sneakers standing in front of her the sneakers she picked out for her brother because she thought the color was pretty as she looked up she saw her brother standing in front of her... only without the scrapes and bruises

"Tai" she looked up confused

'then who am I holding' she thought Tai only smiled in acknowledgment

"You finally got your quirk, huh munchkin"

that made her even more confused what did her quirk have to do with this situation. Then she remembered the stories tai used to tell her of their grandma, specifically her quirk

The ability to see and hear ghosts

As she got lost in thought she could hear the police talking over their radios

"We lost the suspect down on west 34th street"

Her heart Sank 'they lost him'
So as she sat there looking up at her dead brothers ghost with tears streaming down her face she decided she hated the rain,the way it caused tires to lose traction, the way it turned the dirt on her brothers face into mud, and how it smelt when the rain hit the warm bloody gravel of the road that her big brother layed across.
She wasn't able to dwell long though, as she heard the faint whisper of her name


And then again


And again


each time getting louder until


She jolted up right the blueprint she was previously working on stuck to her face
Mei sighed as she peeled the paper off of her friend

"That's the third time this week you have fallen asleep at your station...are you ok?"Mei asked
Mei Hatsume support course genius and best friend to Eimi Ikari

"I'm fine Mei you worry to much"

"Hey I'm all for pulling all nighters to work...but only if that's the reason you're staying up, and it's not because you are having nightmares again"

"How did you-"

"You were saying his name Eimi if this keeps up maybe you should think about seeing hound dog"

"I'm fine Mei, promise me you won't tell anyone about this" Eimi rubbed her eyes

"Promise" Mei said dejectedly

"maybe you should head home you're almost done so I'm sure power loader wouldn't mind I'll let him know you've left when he gets back" Mei suggested

"Yeah ok" Eimi agreed whilst packing up her belongings and saying goodbye to her best friend

"I'll see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow" Mei responded already working on another one of her 'babies'

As she made her way out of the school she felt a light rain she grumbled to herself 'so inconvenient' she said

"She's right you should talk to someone" she heard

"Oh yes because 'I have nightmares of the day my brother died, but it's ok because i can talk to dead people, so i get to talk to him everyday because we can't figure out how to get him to move on' is totally a believable story."

"Hey I'd believe you" Tai shrugged

"If you hadnt grown up in the family you wouldn't have" Eimi sighed

"Well your quirk is documented so someone is bound to believe you" Tai urged

'They might have, if this had been documented before your death but if I go in to talk about my nightmares they are going to think you are a figment of my imagination created due to stress, as a sort of coping mechanism" Eimi rubbed her temples as she continued to walk down the pavement

"Fair enough" Tai sounded defeated, "But you could at least talk to Mei" he pushed.

"The last time I told a friend about my quirk they laughed at me, realized I was being serious, then ran away calling me a freak" Eimi stated whilst on the edge of annoyance. From the corner of her eye she could see her brothers ghost curl in on himself a bit, so she took a deep breath and tried again.

"Look Tai-" Eimi started

People passing by have started to stare. Eimi gave them sheepish smiles

"We can continue this conversation at home" she mumbled picking up her pace.

After a couple blocks of silence Eimi heard screams,an image of tai's lifeless eyes flashed through her mind. Before she could talk herself out of it she sprinted in the direction of the screams a couple streets down when a house on fire came into view.

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