Chapter 2

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Fueled by fear and adrenaline Eimi made it to the burning house, Pro heros endeavor and Hawks were already on the scene, putting Eimis mind at ease

that was until a screaming woman nearly blew out her eardrums


Eimis guard was once again up as she made her way to comfort the spot covered woman

"ma'am how can i help are you trying to find someone"

the woman teary eyed sighed in relief

"you can see me"

"oh, you didn't make it out"

"no and neither did my children please alert the hero's they are still alive in there please help them, apartment 6c" the woman sobbed

Eimi made a bee line for endeavor, pushing past reporters and getting cameras to the face

"endeavor" Eimi screamed not even so much as a head turn it was then that i noticed a couple of kids my age

after recognizing them from the sports festival she chalked it up to them interning for him

" Endeavor" she tried again this time getting weird looks from the press

the woman reappeared more frantic than before

"my youngest keiji" she sobbed "he's passed out"

'They're inhaling too much smoke'

hawks flew towards the press, so quickly eimi switched her focus


he stumbled, face turning serious at eimis tone

"what's wrong"

"there's still kids in that building"

he sighed

"ma'am i've done a sweep of the building myself  there's no one in there if you are missing someone i suggest you make your way to the police department"

"no they are in there i know it please just check again" Eimi pleaded

"Even if i wanted to the fire has spread to much it's not safe for me or anyone else to go in there" his expression filled with pity at her pleas before moving to tame the paparazzi


"I know" Eimi said "But before i can do anything i need you to tell me everything you know about the incident"

her face fell

"it was my ex, he started the fire I broke up with him at the start of the year he had to turned into such a hateful man and i didn't want my children to grow up around that so i left him i anticipated something like this just not to this extent"
sorrow filled her expression
"i gave my kids a code word godzilla i say it they run and hide in a compartment under their bed and they're not to come out until i gave them the safe word
that's why they couldn't find them please you have to help me get them out please help them"

Eimi backed away from the railing she had forced her way towards earlier


"i'm going too" Eimi took in a deep breath

"Eimi" Tai warned

the girl looked back at her brother with an apologetic smile

she calmed her nerves before sprinting back at the railing successfully hoping over it, with all the commotion over hawks no one noticed her hope the rails

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