Chapter one

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I lay there in my cold, hard bed waiting for my body to fully wake up. I could smell the mouth watering breakfast that Laura was preparing. I stretched my arms above my head and yawned. After I stretched my arms, they fell to my side.

"Vince get up your breakfast is getting cold!" yelled an agitated voice. I placed my hands on my face and groaned.

"Yeah I'll be down in a minute!" I replied. I heaved myself out of the bed, feeling the chipped wooden floor beneath my feet. I'm really not awake yet am I? Sitting back down on the bed, hunched over. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. It's going to be a long day. I stood up, grabbed a shirt and trudged out of my room. I headed down the hall towards the kitchen. I walked into the stuffy, red bricked kitchen. Laura was on my right, while Ben was at the left side corner of the room. His broadsheet covering his face. I shuffled over to Laura and peered over her shoulder. "So what are we having?" I questioned.

"Well if you were up earlier you could have had... wait?" she grabbed my chin and turned it towards her. "What happened to your face?"she said angrily. I brushed her hand away from my chin.

"It nothing."

"Vincent Valentine Veritas! Where did you get that bruise." she pointed to the mark on my cheek. A loud chuckle came from behind me.

What are you up to now? said a voice in the back of my head.

It's none of your business Benjamin. I replied to him in my head. The sound of the toaster went off, drawing my attention back to the food. I grabbed the toast form the toaster and ran out the door. I could hear Laura; yell my name from the distance. I slammed the door shut from behind me.

I walked down the dirt road of our little town. It's not too bad being a level two, I don't why people complain. I leaned down pick up a rock and threw it in front of me. I stopped, staring at the smoke in the distance. "Level ones." I mumbled to myself. The hierarchy in the level system. They are the richest, most intelligent and has the most power compared to both level one and level two. Level ones have the ability to use teleportation, telekinesis and telekinetic. Although they also dabble in potions, that are forbidden to level twos and threes. They may only have one... if their lucky. Although I am the acceptation. I have the ability to do all three.

To make sure that levels two and level three don't become more powerful than we should, they have a formed test to check it. All levels are born with their own individual tattoo. Level ones will have a red tattoo on their wrist. Level twos, like me, have a black tattoo going from their wrist to their forearm. Level threes have a black sleeve tattoo. This is called the serge test.

Level ones do not have to take this test because they are the ones who authorised to keep the level twos and threes powers under supervision. Each sector has its own serge tower where the test is taken place. Once you're in the serge tower, assigned level ones scan the tattoo. There is scale that they use to measure our power. It goes from zero point zero too five point zero. To make sure that you don't well... get killed, you have to be two point five or under.

I began to run towards the source of the smoke. Laughter filled the air as I saw three kids about my age, seventeen or so, burning down another level twos house. The guy on the right broad shoulders, defined face, but his head was disproportionate to the rest of his body. The guy on the left much taller, but slightly skinnier frame than the previous guy, he had a chisel jaw and brightly coloured eyes. The girl in the middle had long chocolate brown hair, curvy, high cheek bones and big lips. I stood there a smirk beginning to form on my face. Let's have some fun shall we? I creped over towards a car, which was beside the house. I could sort of make out their conversation.

"Walter I don't think we should be doing this?" said the guy on the left, nervously.

"Shut up Reginald, don't be wimp." accused Walter.

"Come on Reginald we still have day light to kill." she said excitedly.

I rolled my eyes at the girl. I concentrated my powers on her feet and she began to rise, she started to panic. "What are you guys doing it not funny?" as Walter starts laughing.

"Florence." said Reginald "It's neither of us." Walter stopped laughing, now alert.

"Who's out their?" Florence shrieked, now hanging upside down. I began to sniggered, still out hearing range. I let her fall to the ground as Reginald came in to catch her. Walter began to observe his surrounding, his eyes stopping at the car. Shit he sees me! Walter began to walk towards the car, eying it carefully. What am I going to do? At that moment Walter stops mid-way. I hear a beeping noise. Walter looks down at this wrist.

"Father wants us home; we don't want to be late... again." I glanced back at the car once more before they vanished into thin air. I let out a sigh of relief. That was close one. I stood up from the cover of the car and walked past the still burning house and into the forest.

"You know if you keep annoying them you'll get into big trouble." said a voice above me. I looked up to see a girl around sixteen staring down at me with a grin on her face. She had short light brown hair with red highlights that shone in the sun light. I looked up at her and then back to the path and continued to walk away. "Hey! That's mean don't ignore me." she giggled. She jumped down from the tree and ran up beside me. "I'm Mia Lupin." she cuts off my path, now in front of me, and stuck her hand out in a friendly gesture. I could see her sleeve tattoo, indicating that she was a level three. "What's yours?" I stared down at her open hand and back to her face. She had a dainty nose that complemented her angular face and pale skin. Her big, hazel, brown eyes filled with wonder. I snapped myself from her trance, ignored her hand and continued walking down the path.

Suddenly I felt a weight on my back and on impulse threw the weight off my back. In doing so a force pushed me into a nearby tree. Wow that was a strong force where did that come from? I turned around rubbing the back of my head as my eyes settled on her worried expression. My face lit up in puzzlement. "Was that you?" I questioned. She stood up and ran away deeper into the forest. I stared after her in bewilderment. I sighed and ran my hands through the back of my head. Ahh crap! I sprinted after her.
Hey guys my cousin ( batgirl360 ) and I decided to write a book together, so we do hope you enjoy reading it as much as we do writing it!
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