Chapter two

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I sprinted though the forest. Branches from the trees grabbing my jumper as if to pull me back. Light seeping though the leaves above me. The old trees ached and groaned mimicking the sounds of lost souls, that were victim to the serge tower. The clouds covered the sun above me, sending a cold shiver down my spine. Suddenly I felt something hit the top of my head. I look up to find MIa frowning at me. "Were you the one who did that?" he questioned impatiently.

"Did what?" she said innocently.

"You know what I mean," he replied angrily.

"Well the acorn hardly fell out of the sky," she giggled.

"Acorn?" he looked down to see the acorn by his feet. "Wait, what?". Her face lit up excitedly.

"I found out recently that if you cut open a tree and count the rings in it you can tell how old it is," she said.

" You're doing this on purpose aren't you?"

"Doing what exactly?" she said. A sly smile crept up her face, but vanished before he noticed.

I walk off annoyed for caring. Why did I even bother. He thought to himself. He begins to walk though the dense forest trying to find his way out. Level threes aren't even meant to be here in sector two. Each level has their own sector, to separate us from each other. *Crunch* Please don't be the girl. I turned around to investigate my visitor. There she was, her foot still on the broken twig, her face scrunched at the sound of the broken twig. She looked up at me and smiled sweetly.

"Hey again," she said nervously. I rolled my eyes at her and returned to the path ahead. I could still hear the rustling behind me but I ignored it looking ahead of me. A sudden outburst of coughing came from behind me. I sighed at her sad attempted to get my attention. After a moment or two the coughing began worsen. I turned now slightly concerned. She was hunched over with her hand on her chest and her natural pale skin turning various shades of red. Crap! I ran over to her and placed my hand on her back, not knowing what to do.

"What's happening..." I paused. Well that's stupid she can hardly answer. I looked around to see if there was anyone in sight. She began to pat down her pockets, looking for something.

I can't find my inhaler! said a female voice in the back of my head.

I stood back noticing the inhaler shoved down in her back pocket. Oh wow this is going to be awkward. I sucked in a deep breath. Here we go. I removed my hand from her back and placed it into her back pocket. Trying to ignore the fact and I'm almost groping her ass. She flinched. I finally found the inhaler and pulled it as fast as I could, for her sake and for mine. I passed the inhaler to her and she took two puffs. Her body immediately relaxed and she placed her hands on her knees and took slow breaths to calm her down.

"Are you alright now?" I asked concernedly. She look me in the eyes for a second then suddenly ran off into the distance. I stared at her till she disappeared. What a strange girl. I walked away.

Mia's POV:

I stopped running, looked behind me and sighed. Why do I always have to get weird! I shook my head. Why does he have to be so hot. Uhhhhh!

Boys can get do easily confused. She smiled wickedly. She walks back to her hut. Maybe I'll see him again. It's nice to meet someone who can do stuff like me for once. Even if it means I could get in trouble.

Vincent's POV:

I walk into the main district of sector two. I begin to walk down the wide street to the bakery. The river crescent surrounded my sector. This isn't the typical river that you see children playing in. At the end of my district the serge tower lies. The people that are killed in the serge tower because their powers are to strong instead of giving them a proper burial they just throw them in the river. Numerous roads connecting to the serge tower from different districts. Lucky for me it's in my district.

Carriages lined the side of the street. The shops at the side of the street cover the beautiful scenery behind it. They paint the shops ridiculously to distract us from our boring and confined lives. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my pants and continued to through the street. Isolated laughed came from the distance and caught my attention. Three guys and two girls were at the corner of the sweet shop laughing at something hysterical. They looked familiar, probably from my old school. I looked away ignoring them. I never cared for school anyway. Level threes only get primary school education, level twos get up to secondary educations and surprise, surprise level ones get up to third year education.

I walked over to the bakery and saw a paper taped up on the shops door. It read that it was closed for the afternoon. I grumbled and walked over to my most cherished place in this hell hole, the library. I walked into the vintage looking library. When you walk in you are taken back by the mass amount of books all around you. Each of them precariously stacked on their shelves. Desk after desk, shelf after shelf, looking like an endless tunnel of dust, but it was home. As walk past the columns of books I noticed a man staring at me. I looked over with a raised eyebrow. "Can I help you?" I said in an unfriendly tone.

"Oh, nothing just looks like your having trouble finding a book,". he smiles. "I not surprised this place is a mess, beautiful mess, but a mess none the less," he looked thoughtfully into the distance. "That rhymed," he exclaimed to himself. He returned his attention back to me. "Any who, I thought you might like this book," he said handing me a leather bond book. As he gives me the book his sleeve shifts and I see his level one tattoo.

"Thanks," I said cautiously, taking the book from his hand.

"My names Jeremiah," he said happily, he puts out his hand in a friendly gesture. I hesitantly took his hand and shook it.

"Vincent," I replied

"Oh look at the time I must go it's been a pleasure to meet you Vincent," he remarked. He leaves through the front door. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.


I throw my shirt off and dropped it on to the floor, I climb into bed, my eyes begin to close and I let sleep take me. Suddenly I hear a knock on my window.

"Hello?" said a familiar female voice. My eyes flew open.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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