J x WD Reader //Wᴇᴀᴋ sᴘᴏᴛ//

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Requested by TheMeMeThief

(After the end of the Pilot episode - alternate ending)

[You hate both N and Uzi - You are half blind]

{{Warning: Foul language}}

It had been around a month or so ever since the incident where the Disassembly Drones broke into the bunker. Several lives were lost to the killer robots and not to mention the fight of Y/N, V and J, versus N and Uzi. Said Y/N still had a hard time believing that Uzi had sided with a Murder Drone to fight two others, as well as him/her. It was a tight brawl, where Y/N nearly lost his/her life to a careless angsty teen and an surprisingly very strong impressionable killer boy. All of which led to the same conclusion for both Workers on opposite sides:

Got banned.

And here he/she was, outside, sitting on the top of a trashed vehicle as he/she mumbles to himself/herself as he/she recall the battle.

"... If only she hadn't had that stupid railgun of hers..."

He/she kept cursing Uzi both for nearly killing him/her and nearly getting him/her killed, while his/her hand subconsciously grabbed a sharp metal object that was randomly laying on the trashed car's roof and started stabbing at the automobile's shell, piercing through it repeatedly, putting some force into each stab in attempt to feel a harder impact.

His/her hand kept bringing the sharp object down again and again, giving punching multiple holes into the material. He/she wished he could hear him scream right now, but he/she knew not a sound would come out of his mouth, no matter how many stabs he took.

(Meanwhile, at the landing pod)

Inside was quiet and still, as always. Not much movement could be seen unless a Drone was equipped with night vision, which wasn't a problem for the killer robot who hung upside down from the pod's ceiling. Her golden eyes were fixated on the serial designation that was forced into chains and held down to a chair. She kept her distance from the captive as she had been easily beaten up by this strong one like it was a daily thing. The punished bot wasn't looking at her instead keeping a low head, but the feeling of her glare was undeniable. Knowing all that had happened was a huge screw-up and having achieved nothing from it, guilt, defeat and regret was all that could be felt.

Should have kept the abusive lifestyle.

"V, please. I'm sorry for what happened."

"No, you're not."

She replied coldly as she kept her eyes fixated onto the prisoner.


The hostage tried to talk again, but was cut short when V suddenly hissed at him, forcing his mouth shut.

"You are not sorry, N! It was clear that you did this on purpose because of that little purple freak. If you were truly sorry, you would've known better than to side with her and try to take us down, but no. You're too easily manipulated."

To this, N couldn't help but to feel slightly annoyed.

"She didn't manipulate me. She freed me. J is the one who is a High Mach, and she clearly influenced you."

"Maybe. But it's for the greater good. Let me remind you that we were created to fulfill one job. One simple job. Yet you messed it up... like you mess up everything else."

//Murder Drones x reader// oneshots (Hiatus; shit, Incredibox dragged me away)Where stories live. Discover now