Chapter Sixteen

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"RiverClan has tried to take Sunningrocks!" Yowled a small black-and-white tom.

Shadowpaw quickly shot up in alarm and saw Swiftpaw racing into camp. Bluestar was nowhere to be seen and he quickly volunteered himself to go fight. Sandstorm nodded that they would both go and this would be a good idea to see how good his fighting is. Whitestorm, who was one of the oldest warriors, stepped up and chose warriors to come and fight. Shadowpaw raced after him as Whitestorm lead the way to Sunningrocks. 

Whitestorm quickly raced up the slope and swung into action. Shadowpaw saw Fireheart look up and sigh with relief. Then he quickly went into battle.

Shadowpaw's heart pounded in his chest as he lunged at a RiverClan warrior, his instincts taking over. He fought with determination, using the skills he had learned in his training to defend his Clanmates. He raked his claws on any RiverClan cat that came near him.

Shadowpaw fought the adrenaline that suddenly came. His eyes scanning the battlefield for any sign of Shadepelt. The weight of their past secret friendship hung heavy on his heart, but in this moment, loyalty to ThunderClan prevailed. He pushed aside his thoughts and focused on defending his Clan, even if it meant fighting against her. Though he hoped that he didn't have to.

Suddenly he was caught off guard and slammed against the hard earth. He quickly got to his paws and shook out his pelt. He looked around, unaware of who had hit him. He couldn't see his opponent any where. Just as he turned around, he got knocked over again. He felt blinded by the blow. His opponent raked their claws against his back and he screeched in pain. He could feel someone on top of him, pinning him down.

He readied himself for another powerful blow, but to his relief, he felt the weight lifted off. He opened his eyes and jolted around, wide eyed, and not knowing what or who had saved him. Then he saw Sandstorm pinning down a warrior a few tail-lengths away and guessed that perhaps she was the one who had helped him. She didn't show any signs of fear as she raked her claws on his soft belly.

Sandstorm didn't look up or acknowledge him once she finished with another rake across the warrior's belly. Then she swiftly leaped over to help another warrior that was struggling.

Shadowpaw shook out his pelt and ran to help Fernpaw with another apprentice.

"We will get Sunningrocks." Hissed the RiverClan she-cat.

"You will not!" Hissed Fernpaw. She lashed a paw at her and the RiverClan apprentice swiftly ducked, somehow knowing that Fernpaw would strike. Then she striked back and Fernpaw winced with pain as she felt the blow just above her eye.

"Leave her alone, Dawnpaw!" Growled Swiftpaw. His black-and-white fur poofed out in anger, making himself look bigger.

Fernpaw did the same and hissed again. "Yeah, and leave Sunningrocks alone."

Shadowpaw readied himself to leap at Dawnpaw, but she just snorted and padded away, seeing that she was clearly outnumbered. Shadowpaw recognized the she-cat from the Gatherings, but he never spoke to her. She seemed a lot like Shadepelt when she was an apprentice.

"Thanks." Purred Fernpaw.

Swiftpaw dipped his head then padded back over to his mentor to copy more of his moves in battle.

Shadowpaw did the same, but as he padded towards Sandstorm, he caught a glimpse of Shadepelt again. She looked over at him and blinked a few times before running off again the opposite way.

"Retreat RiverClan, Retreat!" Yowled Leopardfur. 

Shadowpaw sighed with relief. He didn't want to be seen letting a RiverClan warrior go without at least putting on a fight. He headed again towards Sandstorm and she turned around, purring. "So how did you like your first battle?"

Shadowpaw padded beside her as everyone headed back to camp. "I didn't fight much. I felt more like I was getting knocked around."

"You will get it. We just need to practice more. And focus more." She added, still purring.

Shadowpaw shrugged his shoulders, but he shuddered at the thought that Sandstorm noticed him not being able to focus. He snuck out so much during the night that his focus was just nonexistent for training.

Sandstorm padded the rest of the way in silence. Shadowpaw quickly padded beside her, also in silence, but he was deep in thought. He wish that he could speak with Shadepelt again, but he remembered that they are no longer speaking. Then all he could think of was that this battle was perhaps all his fault.

"Shadowpaw!" Meowed Waterlily as soon as she saw cats approaching into camp.

Her voice sounded urgent, yet she seemed content when he looked over at her. He padded over to her with his ears slightly tilted back. Was he in trouble? "I have no scratches." He pointed out.

"I know. I just need to speak with you." Her mew was now more urgent.

Shadowpaw could feel his heart racing. "I didn't make the battle happen." He quickly protested.

"I don't blame you." She meowed, softly. "I just wanted to acknowledge the fact that you haven't been speaking to Shadepelt. I noticed that you didn't sneak out last night."

Shadowpaw relaxed his bristled neck fur and sat down, wrapping his tail over his front paws. "My Clan is more important." He purred, confidently.

"Good." Waterlily replied swiftly. "Do you think that the battle was your fault?" She meowed slowly, trying to carefully read his thoughts, but not make it noticeable.

Shadowpaw winced and tilted his head in confusion. Can she read my mind? He thought, bitterly. Then he shook his head, hoping that she actually couldn't. "No. RiverClan has always wanted Sunningrocks. I believe it was just by chance that I was speaking with Shadepelt."

Waterlily dipped her head, respectively to his response. "Well put." She paused for a few moments, looking out into the distance past Shadowpaw. "You may go. Thank you." 

Shadowpaw padded away in silence to the apprentice den. His paws ached with pain, yet he was excited that he had experienced a battle. Though he hated battles, it was a rather different experience. He laid down in his nest and closed his eyes to sleep off his thoughts that haunted him. Did Shadepelt really make the battle happen? If so, how?

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