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"Sire. The symbol that you saw on the parchment. It is the Druid symbol." Gaius said softly.

"What? But you said it was his only hope?" Arthur denied, becoming increasingly angry. "Druids are magic... How could they help? Magic is evil!"

"Not all magic is evil." Gaius pressed. "The Druids are a peaceful race that have esteemed healing powers. There could be a way to heal him."

"But why would they help us?" Arthur shook his head. He was sure that they wouldn't help. Why would they?

"Because they are unwilling to turn down the needs of others. They will help him." Gaius insisted.

"Where would we find them?" Arthur sighed, giving in. As long as it helped Merlin, he was prepared to do anything.

"That is one question I wish I knew the answer to. They wander. You would have to search for them." Gaius said sadly. Searching the forests would take a lot of time. Time he didn't know if they had.

Arthur let out a low sigh. "Alright. I will depart at dawn."

Gaius let out a small smile of victory as Arthur whirled out of the room.


Arthur swung his leg over his horse. He had told his father that he was just going for a ride, to clear his head. But really, Arthur was going to find the Druid people. He hated lying to his father, but Uther would never allow it. Arthur kicked his horse into a gallop. Gaius had suggested he look in the forests on the outskirts of Camelot, so that was what he was doing.

Arthur chanced a glance up after he had ridden past the gates. He was going for stealth. Arthur didn't want any trouble with bandits that has heard where he was going or that he had left. Arthur wasn't wearing his chain mail or cloak. He was wearing simple leather armor so that nobody would recognize him.

A couple hours later, Arthur had reached his first stop. He tied his horse to a tree and entered the establishment. Arthur was looking for signs of the Druids in the local gossip. He sat down at a table and ordered a pint of mead. After an hour or so he had 'been accepted' into the group of tavern regulars. He learned all he needed to know and more. He bid a farewell to his drunken companions and headed north, the way they said a band of 'gypsies' headed. Arthur hoped that what they meant was Druids.

After combing the upper forests for most of the day, Arthur made camp and built a fire. When supper was eaten and the fire had started to die out, Arthur retired from his thoughts and laid down his bedroll. He was promptly asleep. Some time later, he was woken by the sound of someone stepping lightly on the dense ground. Arthur's hand was immediately at the hilt of his sword. He stood up as quietly as he could (although truthfully it wasn't that quiet as the alcohol had not worn off yet). Shadows behind the trees cloaked in deep moonlight circled in on the prince. Arthur spun, not knowing which way to turn. There were too many to fight, but Arthur still had to try. He hoisted his sword into the air.

"Who are you?" Arthur yelled out.

"Who we are does not matter. It is what you require that matters." A lone hooded figure riddled in a gruff voice stepping from the dappled leaves of the foliage, now behind him. Arthur lowered his sword slightly at this, but promptly rose it again.

"How did you know I needed something?" Arthur replied, voice filled with hope. Hope that the shadows were, in fact, Merlin's saviors.

"We could sense your distress and need. Need for us to save someone. Tell us child, what do you require?" The figure pressed on seemingly faceless in the pale light. Arthur was sure it was the Druids. He would speak.

"It's Merlin. He's- He's dying. Please help me. Please." Arthur said, his voice giving out on the last word. He bowed his head and let his sword fall to the ground. Arthur looked up to see many more figures step out into the circular clearing. Each of them was wearing a long cloak with a hood that made any identification possible. The hooded man that had stepped out first seemed to be their leader. He turned to another and nodded his head, then he pulled his hood off. He had curly blonde hair that was slightly dirty, and a kind face. He smiled at Arthur.

"I am Eeray." Eeray gestured to the mass of shadows around him. "And these are my people. We will help you and your friend."

"Thank you." Arthur whispered, letting out a breath he didn't realize that he had been holding. Merlin would be all right. Everything would be fine.

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