Mysterious Encounters

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Eeray led Arthur to the Druid camp. It was a large clearing isolated in the woods, filled with brightly colored tents and villagers going about their daily lives. Eeray ducked under the flap of a tent adorned with scarves flapping in the wind. Arthur stepped in after Eeray and froze in amazement. The area inside if the tent was filled with mattresses and blankets. But the most awe inspiring thing was presented in the middle of the room on a pedestal. It was a huge glowing gemstone gleaming in the low light foretelling the first hints of dawn. Eeray positioned himself next to Arthur.

"Beautiful. Isn't it?" Eeray asked, not expecting an answer. "Its the Goliath Gem, from the crystal cave. A rare specimen. It allows people with certain magical abilities to see a glimpse into the future. However, it's not greatest thing to use for predictions. It has a tendency to backfire on the user. Insanity and paranoia often follow use of the Goliath." Eeray stopped talking and spun around, Arthur mirroring his movements. "This is where you'll be sleeping." He gestured to a rather welcoming sight to a tired Arthur of a rather large mound of comforting blankets and pillows. "We'll depart in the morning." Eeray swept out of the tent leaving Arthur alone to sink into the folds of fabric and let the greedy hands of sleep steal him away.

Several hours later, Arthur woke up to the sound of his name being whispered in a sweet voice. He forced his eyes open, savoring the last moments of the blissful escape from the real world in which Arthur's best friend was slowly dying. That's when Arthur jolted up. Merlin! He had to save Merlin. Arthur slowly looked around his surroundings, looking for the source of the voice summoning him. His eyes rested in the silhouetted shape of the Goliath Gem. Arthur slowly rose from the safety of his warm bed, and dragged himself onto the hard ground. Once up, he shook off the last remnants of his wonderfully innocent drowsiness. Arthur carefully walked over to the Goliath Gem and felt very drawn to it. Like it was calling him. He hesitantly placed a trembling hand onto the cool surface of the Goliath.

Arthur was suddenly pulled from the world in which he was standing, and opened his eyes to find himself in the forest. He saw two people ride past quite quickly on horses. But before he could identify these mysterious figures, he was whisked away to another location. Arthur was now in the banquet hall of Camelot, standing behind the table where Arthur usually sat. Why was he here? Shouldn't he be back at the Druid camp with Eeray? Before he had a chance to answer these questions, he saw a man to his right stand, and the crowd hushed almost immediately. Arthur recognized- with shock- his father standing beside him. Uther gave a toast to something that Arthur didn't listen to, and saw a figure with tousled blonde hair in front of him, raise his goblet. It was Arthur. Arthur was standing behind Arthur. Arthur reached his hand forward to touch Arthur. Arthur didn't react. Before he could investigate further, he felt the now familiar jolt of the scene changing. This time he was in Gaius's chambers. Merlin lay on the bed in front of where Arthur may or may not be standing, depending on the lack of understanding he had for his current predicament. Other Arthur (Real Arthur? Fake Arthur? Arthur couldn't tell. He was really confused at this point) knelt by Merlin's bed his head in his hands as he openly sobbed. Merlin's chest was barely moving, until it stopped completely and his head lolled to the side. Other Arthur looked up at Merlin with a look of horror bestowed on his features. Before Arthur could fully comprehend what he saw, he fell and landed on soft pillows. He was back in his tent in the Druid camp.

Arthur opened his eyes a crack and saw a dim green glow. He forced his eyes fully open and saw a beautiful woman who was quite literally shining. She had round eyes and plump lips. Her hair was long, wavy and impossible to tell the color of seeing as everything on her body looked green. She wore a simple dress that trailed behind her quite elegantly. She smiled at Arthur, eyes full of sadness and wisdom. Sorrow and joy. Innocence and guilt.

"Who are you?" Arthur whispered, breaking away from her deep enchanting eyes.

"I am a spirt who's soul has been trapped forever in the Goliath Gem." She replied with a silk smooth voice. "I am sorry that you had to see what you just saw. I didn't want to show you, but the predictions will help guide you in your destiny."

"Wait... Predictions? Do you mean that all of that is going to happen?" Arthur asked, already knowing the answer.

"I'm afraid so." The Spirt's head bowed down, true despair weaved into her spoken words. However the unspoken words were the most painful for Arthur. As well as apologizing for showing him what will come to be, she was also apologizing for Merlin's imminent death. A noise interrupted the piercing silence, the Spirt's head darting back up.

"Eeray is returning. I must go. Don't mention our meeting to him." The Spirt urgently whispered in hush tones. She turned to leave but her step faltered. "Good luck Arthur." She whispered before disappearing completely.

Eeray stepped through the tent flap and saw Arthur sitting on the ground. "Ah! Good to see you're awake. I came to tell you that we're leaving." Eeray gushed in a cheery voice before prancing out of the room. 'Right... We're leaving. Well good luck to me.' Arthur thought to himself, echoing what the Spirt had said to him before she left.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2013 ⏰

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