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3128 A.D.


on the night when all four moons aligned, three possible heirs to the fire keepers throne were born, blister, flicker, and cracker. the queen died a few weeks after the triplets 14th birthday, and an uproar was sent throughout the kingdom. who would be the new queen? blister, cunning and murderous? flicker, bloodthirsty and greedy? or cracker, stuck up and a killing machine?

they fought amongst each other, arguing over who should be queen.

they allied themselves with other kingdoms in an effort to become the strongest heir and kill the others. blister allied with the rainforest kingdom and sea kingdom. flicker allied with the night kingdom and snow kingdom. cracker took most of the fire kingdom and sky kingdom.

a destined was prophecized to have been born on the same night as the three heirs, and would be the one to end the war and bring justice to all. a destined was a keeper who had the powers of each kingdom, and they were supposedly all killed off during the war of 2098. people were afraid of the destined, as they were unpredictable and could do just about anything. they were rumored to have telekinesis and the powers of every keeper, and could crush anyone in the blink of an eye.

although they were believed to be all killed, the few remaining hid in different kingdoms using only the powers that would belong there. they married with people from within those kingdoms, and as time went on their offspring had an almost impossible chance of being a destined.


3140 A.D.

*the war has been going on for 12 years, yet there is no sign of the war stopping any time soon. people have begun to lose hope in the prophecy, and believe there is no destined coming to save them.*


Pewdie's POV


we sat, perched in the trees along the outskirts of the rainforest kingdom. with our hawk-like vision we watched the keepers as they carried on their everyday lives, unaware of the attack that was about to happen. our goal was to kill off as many of the rainforest keepers as possible by surprise, and if we get far enough even kill off their leader, cry, who was just as murderous as Blister. rainforest keepers had the power over plants and could encase their enemies in thick vines. they could also shoot venom from their fingertips, which dissolves almost anything on contact.

i whistled a bird-like tune, signaling the ambush. the fire and sky keepers surrounding me whistled as well, passing the message to all those who could hear.

we jumped from our hiding spots, spreading our wings and coming down from above. i formed a large wind barrier over the section of the kingdom we were in, making it so none could escape. i watched from above, holding up the walls as my soldiers burned houses and snapped the necks of the innocent rainforest keepers.

we moved to the next section, doing the same as we had done to the past one. by now word had reached the king, and he was sending troops in at the moment to try and take us down. i released the barrier around us, allowing the rainforest soldiers trapped outside to come in. some headed for me, but i avoided them by flying into the mangled town and weaving my way through the buildings.

i hid behind a small shack, and slowly made my way toward the castle. i stayed along the outskirts of the kingdom, and when it was taking too long to run i decided to fly. its riskier, but ill get there quicker than running.i spread my wings, and stayed low.

~time skip, about an hour and fifteen minutes~

i flew up the side up the castle, breaking through a small window to find myself in a storage room. i cracked the door open, and after making sure the coast was clear i stepped out into a long hallway. i moved quickly, being sure to avoid any places that had people in them.

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