6. Tangled shoelaces

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Taehyung had two more lectures after Literature and now he was waiting for Jimin as the boy said that they both will go to canteen together and he will introduce him to his friends.

The other two lectures went good except for the fact that there was no Jimin to talk to him... But he survived you can say...

Soon he hears Jimin's voice calling his name, "Taehyung-ah"

He was running towards him along with some other guy, who literally emitted total sunshine energy.

"Did you wait for long? " Jimin asks as he halts on his steps.

"No no I just came here"

"By the way, this is Hoseok, you can call him Hoseokie hyung Or Hobi Hyung, anything you want"

"Hi Taehyung! " Hoseok says.

"Hi Hyung... " Taehyung smiles.

They make their way towards the canteen with Hoseok telling Taehyung about his major and how he will love the friends group.

They soon enter the canteen full of students and Jimin practically drags Taehyung towards a table where they can see a girl sitting. The girl was beautiful. She had medium length hair and looked somewhat like Jimin.

"Jihyo" Jimin calls. And now Taehyung can see the bickering duo once again.

"Ahh midget what took you so long. I have been waiting for ages here! I am so hungry since the first lecture and you chose to come lat- who is he?? " Jihyo says as she sees Taehyung.

"Will you calm down? I was busy with some work in the dance studio. And by the way this is Taehyung, photography major. He is new here. And Taehyung, she is Jihyo, my dear sister. Now say hello to Taehyung, Jihyo" Jimin says with a fake sweet smile to Jihyo.

"Oh hi Taehyung... " Jihyo says. She was also mesmerized by Taehyung's beauty, but she wouldn't admit.

"Hi Jihyo-shi" Taehyung says again with a smile. He was now tired of smiling for the day. Now he really thinks he should take lessons from the desk lady of management office.

"By the way where are the other two??" Jimin asks.

"Oh they said they had a practice for their upcoming match so they will eat in their free lectures. " Jihyo replied.

"Okkie. Tae let's go eat something." Jimin says.

And that's how they spent their lunch period with Jihyo constantly looking at Tae trying to find any imperfections on his face or any of his habits. But sadly it was too hard for her.


The long day in university finally ended. Taehyung was content with his first day in the university. He made a new friend. He can't say anything about others as they didn't talk much... and Jihyo as she was quite distant while talking to Taehyung.

But still he hopes in near future they will be good friends as well.

Jimin said that he was yet to introduce his two other friends to Taehyung. So here they were waiting for them in the parking lot.

"Here he is... " Jimin says.

Taehyung turns around to see the aforementioned boy and he is shocked.

Why are all of Jimin's friend so good looking?

Taehyung sees a boy with cat like eyes and pale skin coming towards them. His whole personality seemed like it was dripping with swag.

"Yoongs! Here!" Hoseok shouts.

'Yoongs' upon spotting the small group of friends makes his way towards them.

"Hey" He says as he finds a notices a new person in the small group.

"Where's Jeo-" Jihyo sentence gets interrupted by Jimin who says,

"Forget the HIs and HELLOs Yoongi hyung, I want to introduce you to someone important. This is Taehyung." He swings a hand on Tae's shoulder. "And Taehyung this is Yoongi hyung... " He points towards his hyung.

Tae and Yoongi smile at each other and shake their hands. Then Jimin removes his hand from Tae's shoulder and goes on and on about how he just adopted Taehyung in the literature class and now he will not be bored in that class...

Jimin told there are two friends he wants to introduce...Where is the other one?
Taehyung thinks.

He notices that his shoelaces are untied so he walks towards a nearby car and keeps his books on the roof and then bends over to tie the shoelaces.

Just as he was tying them. He hears Jimin say, "Where's Jeon??"

Jeon? Is he...?

"Oh he is coming from washroom... Look there he is."

And then he hears that voice... The one he has been wanting to hear from the past three years.

"Hey there guys, Jimin why are you looking at me like this?" Jeongguk says.

"Don't ask me. I have waited so long to introduce you both. I am tired of being the mediator now. Look there's my new friend. So now you go and introduce yourself to him. Go!" Jimin replies in a fake angry tone.

Jeongguk looks where his friend is pointing and sees a figure hunched down tying shoelaces near a car, their back facing him. So he makes his way towards them.

The shoelaces long forgotten, Taehyung just remains in a daze as he feels footsteps approaching him. Then he hears that voice again but this time directed towards him.


Taehyung stands up, his back facing Jeongguk. Just as he tries to turn around his damn shoelaces get entangled and he falls. He yelps and closes his eyes.

But before he could touch the ground, two strong arms prevent him from doing so.

He opens his eyes and sees two shocked eyes staring back at him.

The eyes that once looked at him with adoration were now staring at him with shock, hurt, sadness and longing. Now he knew that that guy in front of him was none other than his...



So they met... ✌🏻
P. S. Jeongguk is not an arrogant guy in this story...
Btw what are your thoughts on Park Jihyo...

Do comment and vote if you like the chapter💜


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