Chapter 3

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The psychiatrist, Dr. Bennett, greeted me with a warm smile as I took a seat in her well-appointed office. She had a calm and reassuring presence, which helped ease some of my anxiety. We began by discussing Heather and her sessions, both of us carefully choosing our words.

"I'm deeply worried about Heather," I started, my voice laced with concern. "She's gone missing along with our son, Sammy. I'm doing everything I can to help the police with the investigation."

Dr. Bennett maintained a composed demeanor, responding carefully, "I understand your concern, but I must emphasize that the relationship between a therapist and a client is strictly confidential. I cannot breach that trust."

Feeling frustrated yet undeterred, I glanced around the room while Dr. Bennett momentarily stepped out, leaving me alone. My eyes fell upon a drawer, and instinctively, I opened it. Inside were interview tapes labeled with Heather's name. Realizing their potential significance, I swiftly gathered all three tapes and concealed them within my jacket.

Just as I secured the tapes, Dr. Bennett returned, unaware of my brief intrusion. She resumed our conversation, her voice filled with sympathy. "What I can tell you is that Heather's condition seemed to worsen with each session. I would recommend reaching out to her doctor for more information. I have the contact details here." She handed me a slip of paper, and I thanked her before making my exit.

Leaving the psychiatrist's office, I returned to Heather's house, hoping for some semblance of progress in my search. However, to my surprise, I found a woman waiting outside. With her striking resemblance to the woman named Danielle whom Heather had been communicating with, it didn't take long for me to realize her true identity.

Curiosity and suspicion filled my mind as I approached her. "Who are you?" I inquired cautiously, studying her reaction.

The woman hesitated for a moment before answering, "I'm a friend of Heather's." Her voice quivered slightly, but I sensed a hint of deceit.

Though I already had my suspicions, I decided to play along. "I see. Well, I'm her ex-husband, and I'm here to help with the investigation into her and our son's disappearance."

A glimmer of relief flickered across her face as she replied, "Oh, I'm glad you're here. It's nice to meet you. I'm Danielle." She extended her hand in greeting.

Taking her hand, I welcomed her inside, observing how she seemed to know her way around the house with an eerie familiarity. It was evident that she had been here before, further deepening my suspicions.

As we settled into the living room, Danielle made a confession. "Actually, I should be honest with you. I'm not just a friend of Heather's; I'm her girlfriend."

I met her admission with a calm demeanor, responding, "I sort of had an idea. I've been dating other women since the divorce, so I can't really blame her for moving on. As long as Heather was happy, that's what mattered."

Danielle seemed relieved by my understanding and asked if I had found any leads regarding their whereabouts. Reluctant to reveal my knowledge of the Slender Man connection just yet, I replied, "I'm actively working on it, and I'll let you know if I find anything substantial."

She nodded appreciatively and mentioned that she should be on her way. However, before leaving, she handed me her number, urging me to contact her if any new developments arose. Once Danielle departed, my thoughts returned to the tapes hidden in my jacket.

Aware that I lacked the means to play the tapes, I promptly ordered a suitable device online, ensuring its delivery the next day. That night, sleep eluded me as a potent mix of fear, uncertainty, and sorrow gripped my heart. Though the desire to enter Sammy's room tugged at me, I remained hesitant, as if the room held secrets that I wasn't yet prepared to face.

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