kim sunoo

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"We have a new student in our class starting today," announces the teacher

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"We have a new student in our class starting today," announces the teacher. She turns to him, smiling, and says, "Go ahead and introduce yourself."

The new kid looks a bit nervous, but when he smiles, it's like the whole room lights up. Everyone melts at the sight of it. "Hi, I'm Kim Sunoo and I hope we can get along this year."

As I stare at Sunoo, I can't help but wonder why no one seems to be reacting to his sudden appearance. Transfers aren't an everyday occurrence, especially during such an important time of year. I remember when I transferred to this school two years ago. Back then, I was the talk of the hallways, with everyone speculating about my reasons for coming so late. It took a few months for everything to die down. But Sunoo's case is different. There is no buzz, no rumours, no whispers. It's as if he has always been here.

Whatever the reason for Kim Sunoo's transfer, people clearly don't care, and it bothers me.

"Sunoo, you can sit in the empty seat beside Kazu," the teacher says, gesturing to the desk next to mine. As much as I don't mind having him as my seatmate, I can't help but feel a sense of dread. That empty seat has been there for weeks, a haunting reminder of the girl who used to sit there. No one really talks about her, not even the teachers. It's as if she never existed. But I remember her. Kim Sooha. I remember how she used to smile at me and acknowledge me with her eyes in the hallways, and how she used to doodle on her notebook during class. And now she's gone, vanished without a trace. I tried to ask around about her, but no one seems to recall her, like she's been erased from our memories.

As Sunoo approaches the desk, I can't shake off the feeling that something is off. He places his bag on the floor and sits beside me, his eyes fixed on me as if he knows something I don't. I can't help but feel slightly uncomfortable, but the moment he smiles at me, my unease disappears. "Hi." His voice is soft and inviting.

My mind goes blank, and I'm lost in his gaze. "Hi, I'm Kazu. Nice to meet you," I say, ignoring the feeling that something isn't quite right.

For the rest of the class, Sunoo and I get along really well. We whisper about anything and everything, from the work we have to do to the teachers we like and the classmates we need to avoid. We even talk about our interests, and I'm surprised to find out that we have a lot more in common than I initially thought. Sunoo is into history, just like me, and we both love listening to the same bands. It's strange how quickly I feel connected to him. It's like we've known each other for years, despite only meeting an hour ago. There's a sense of familiarity that's almost eerie, and I don't stop to wonder what it means. I feel like I can tell him anything.

When the bell rings, signalling the end of class and the start of lunch, I get up quickly, thinking of meeting Sunghoon, before the teachers call out my name. "Kazu, before you go, can you show Sunoo around the school."


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