cinnamon and oranges

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Unlocking the cable lock from my bike, I lift it off the rack and am about to get on when I hear a familiar voice call out my name

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Unlocking the cable lock from my bike, I lift it off the rack and am about to get on when I hear a familiar voice call out my name. My heart skips a beat when I turn around to see Yunjin walking towards me, a smile lighting up her face.

Without a second thought, I ditch my bike and embrace her with open arms. We sway side to side, our hug growing tighter with each passing moment. The gentle breeze caresses our hair, creating a soothing melody that blends with the sound of our laughter. As I draw her close, the sweet aroma of cinnamon and oranges envelops me, filling my senses with a blissful warmth. I hear the smile in her voice as she pats my arm. "I can't breathe, Kazu."

I chuckle softly, reluctant to release her from my embrace. "One more minute," I say, feeling like I'm on cloud nine. It's been ages since I last saw her. But keeping my word, I let go of her after a minute ... or two.

"So, how've you been?" I ask, my eyes searching her face. "I don't think I've seen you since February, you know?"

"I know, I know," she says, her voice softening. "I'm sorry. I've just been so busy lately – especially with my new class. Like, literally, don't even get me started. It's been a nightmare. I have so much work to do and I feel like I'm drowning in it."

"Sounds rough."

"It's whatever, I'm here now and I'll continue to be here for you, alright? Oh, you wanna know something else? A certain someone came to me after class, telling me how much you missed me," she says, wiggling her eyebrows playfully, and I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Look at you blushing! You guys have been together for how long now? And you still react like this? What am I going to do with you, Kazu!" She pinches my cheek, her favourite thing to do to me. I try to pull away, but she holds on tight.

She lets go after a few seconds and I have to rub my cheek, feeling my cheek burn underneath my touch. "That really hurts, you bitch," I say, sticking my tongue out at her.

Yunjin laughs, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. You're just so cute. Like, seriously, if Sunghoon wasn't in the picture, I would've totally had you for myself." I roll my eyes, still feeling the sting on my cheek. I noticed some students who were walking by casting a look of disgust at Yunjin when she said that. Mainly the boys though. I threw a dirty look at them and didn't think twice about grabbing Yunjin's hand in mine. "Well, enough about me, how are you?"

"I'm good, same as always ..." I say, trailing off, as I watch Yunjin slowly take her eyes off me and look at something above me. I follow her gaze, curious to know what has taken her attention.

Suddenly, before I could see what it was, Yunjin pulls me towards her chest, her grip tight. "Watch out!"

I stumble back, almost losing my balance, as a loud crash pierces the air. I whip my head back to see what it was, only to find a blue flower pot shattered on the ground, surrounded by soil and purple orchid flowers. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the mess. My heart pounds in my chest and a wave of panic washes over me.

"Sorry!" The voice came from above us and instinctively, I looked up to see two boys at an open window. Their faces are pale, scared, and in disbelief. "It was an accident!" They scream, their voices wavering. Before I could respond, they disappeared from view, closing the windows shut. They didn't come back out. Perhaps they went to get a teacher?

Yunjin's voice dripped with anger as she spoke, "Those idiots could have seriously hurt someone. And what do they do? Leave? I'm going to teach me them a –"

"Stop," I say, quickly holding Yunjin back. "It was an accident. They apologised, okay? It's fine."

"But –"

"It's fine."


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