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             "You pinky promise?"

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             "You pinky promise?"

"Ok..." Y/n says, quietly wiping some tears that slipped through their barriers.

Allistar's stone cold heart started to crack seeing Y/N upset, he couldn't stand it. Since he took you home, seeing tears fill your eyes made him oh, so sad.

"Don't cry pretty.. I'm sorry, ok?" He says, hoping that the fragile girl won't cry harder.

You don't say anything, causing him to worry a little.

"I-I just... I just want to go home..." You say, quietly.

Again, Allistar's heart started to ache. Thoughts flooded his focused mind, of you trying to leave him, or not trying to escape his embrace.

"It's ok sweetheart..we're going home."

            TIME-SKIP: AT HOME

When you enter home, you immediately run upstairs. You didn't really care about the cute clothes you got, or about Allistar, you just want to cuddle Bunny and cry.

You missed your parents, you missed your house, you missed everything. Why couldn't you parents just pay the money to him?

You lay in "your" bed, holding your favourite stuffed animal. You felt helpless, even though Allistar did almost everything for you.

Meanwhile, Allistar felt horrible. He had everything, power, money, you name it. He just didn't have your trust.

You didn't depend on him like he depended on you. Do you not love him?

Oh, that fragile girl drove him crazy. Insane even. He wanted to hold her, he craved to touch her.

He grabbed the shopping bags, and headed to your room. He hopes that your not crying.

A soft knock entered your room, followed by the tall, black haired male.

"Y/n sweetheart."

You internally roll your eyes, not wanting to see him.

He sets your clothes on the dresser, then sits on the huge bed. Your back faces him, and you think about the time that you saw him for the first time.

He places his large hand on your tiny back, causing you to flinch a little.

You guys just sat in silence for a while, the silence being painful for both of you.

"Do you want to leave here?" He asks, quiet.

You think about it. Your parents always wanted to protect you. They never let you do "dangerous" things like play at the park, or go to school. They spent all their money on you and homeschooling, so they needed more.

They mostly isolated you, causing you to never mature. You stayed their little "Princess", so they got what they wanted.

You didn't answer him for awhile, actually thinking.

"No.." you said, hugging Bunny tightly.

"I like this place.. but I miss Mama and Papa."

Allistar sighs loudly, in disappointment.

"I know you do.. but Mama and Papa abandoned you. Doesn't that make you angry?" He says, stroking your (H/C) hair.

You thought about it, Allistar waited for your response. 

"A little... but they said they'll come back.." You say, holding on to that piece of hope.

Allistars heart aches once again, thinking about how purely innocent you are compared to him. Goodness, he'll do anything for you.

He wanted to tell you, but no. He will not see you through pain again. He wanted to tell you about their escape, and how they never planned to come back

His free palm clenched tightly about the thought of her parents. How could they hurt his darling? Let her go through this pain?

"I'll go get dinner started, darling." He says suddenly.

It surprised you how quick he changed the subject, but you were somewhat curious unto why.

"Ok.. thank you Allistar.."

"No problem."

While making your meal, Allistar tried to somewhat clear his head. His mind was full of rage, and didn't want to show that to you.

He planned to do other things that night, like work and making phone calls. But still, you were his top priority. He will never stop thinking about you.

"Y/N L/N, you are driving me insane doll."

Hihi guys! Sorry for the wait again, I just finished school, so I have plenty of time to write! Thank you for your patience!!

I'll always be in your nightmares, God loves you✨

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