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<IVE - Mine
;) >

This means they're speaking in English

After the very joyfully spent 1st date, the couple of friends was very to find out that their friendship didn't suffered from taking a little step towards the next level - if anything, they were even more comfortable around each other.

Hyerim was now sure that she would be ready for a relationship with the swimmer.

However, the said swimmer was very busy because of swimming duties so for the next 1,5 weeks, their interactions reduced to solely texting for no more than 15 minutes every day.

Nonetheless, on a rainy Tuesday afternoon, they were able to finally meet up at Hyerim's place (they were alone - her parents were at work and her sister had dance class). The exact reason was helping the girl with her English homework - something that they could've done online, but they wanted to spend time together face to face.

"Please give me my eraser from the desk." Hyerim asked while lying on her stomach on the floor, her textbook and notebook open in front of her. The older who was sitting next to her sighed and reached up to the desk, taking the desired item.

"Here you are. It would've been easier if you'd just sat up, you know."

The girl shrugged the best she could while lying. "It's more comfortable this way. Hey, what's the past tense of broadcast?"


"Yes, broadcast."

Chan laughed. "No, I mean broadcast is an irregular verb. The present and the past tense is the same."

"Ah, thanks. Do you want some water?" She sat up and the boy shook his head.
"I'm getting myself some. Don’t get into trouble while I'm gone."

The boy followed Hyerim's sweatpants (in the summer?) and simple t-shirt clad figure walk out of the room, her melodious laugh echoing. He couldn’t help but laugh along. He was very regretful for not being able to take her out on another date in the past week and with how things were right now, he probably wouldn't be able to do so for another 2 week at least. He was very lucky to clear his schedule today afternoon. But these were all beyond his control, really.

"I give you my lo-lo-lo-love, I give you my love, I'll be your boyfriend~" The younger sang as she neared the room, a glass full of water in her hands.
"Shoot, I've been hanging out with Soyoung too much lately." She chuckled.

"Is she an Engene?"

"A huge one. She has posters in her room and stuff." The girl sat on the floor with her legs crossed, next to the laughing university student.

"Since we're at it... what's the difference between will and going to?"

"Ain't they the same thing?" Hyerim frowned.

"Not really." The boy shook his head, causing his friend to lay her head on his shoulder, frustrated.

"It's so easy for you, it's your mother tongue! While I'm dying over here."

Chan patted the head on his shoulder, finding the younger's angry exclaim rather cute.
"I was like this with Korean so don't say I have it easy."

Hyerim grunted but it was muffled by.. well, her pillow himself. "Guess that's true. Still, school sucks."

"Hey, don’t be so gloomy." Chan put both of his hands on the high schooler's cheeks, lifting her head to look into her eyes.
"You're getting better at English every week. You aced your last two test, don’t you remember?"

"Only because of you, though..." The girl's voice faltered by the last word when her gaze that were on the other's face happened to drop down to his lips.

And that action spoke louder than thousand words.

However, the older just gulped and let go of her face, also averting his eyes. Whether it was out of pure cowardice or he had other plans, we may never know.

Hyerim was both baffled and disappointed - the former because of her own involuntarly boldness and the latter because of..

because she wanted it. She wanted that kiss no matter how stupid that sounded.

But it didn't happen so she let out a barely audible sigh and turned to her textbook, picking up a pencil from the floor.

"The TV station broadcast from March to May before it was forcefully closed by authorities. O T H E R I-.. A T H O- Chan, how do you spell this word?"

The latter turned to his friend but as he did so, he unintentionally did the one thing he definetely didn't want to do - look at her lips. She didn't seem to notice but that didn't make it better in Chan's opinion. So he closed his eyes for a second to knock some sense into himself.
"A U T H O R I T I E S."

"Wait, not so fast.. A U T H O.."

"R I T I E S" The older finished the spelling in a hurried tone that Hyerim misunderstood for annoyance.

"Sorry." She mumbled.

Chan perked up at the sound of the gloomy voice, immediately reaching out to put his hand on the top of hers. "No, no, I'm not angry. Sorry if it came out like that."
He gave her a small smile that she joyfully reprocriated.

"Oh, okay."
The girl finished writing down the word with a sigh. "Ah, only one more excersise. Fighting!" She lifted up her clenched fist.

"You can do it." The swimmer raised his clenched fist too, smiling widely. Watching Hyerim lean over and concentrate on her homework eased his troubles - he didn't see her face at all so accidentally looking at her lips wasn't at risk.

It really wasn't like he didn't wanna kiss her.. he did very much. But not out of nowhere - he feared that it would be tacky. She deserved a proper second date and maybe after that, he would kiss her.

While Chan was caught up in his internal turmoil, the girl he was thinking too much about finished the last, relatively easier excersise.
"Ah, finally. I'm done. English will be the death of me. And also maths. And maybe science-"

The older's booming laugh cut her off. "Come on, choose one only."

"Can't do, I'm just bad at everything. Hey, would you mind checking it?" Hyerim lifted her notebook.

The boy take the object and put it on his lap, his eyes quickly scanning the words. The author of the said words inched closer to him, trying to look over his shoulder and hunt for a mistake too. What she didn't expect was the fact that Chan was a quick reader and in no time he turned back to share what he'd find. He was surprised to find Hyerim's face inches away from his own, the dark cat eyes staring at him in surprise.

And those beautiful orbs were all he needed to give into the old temptation - in one swift move, he grabbed her chin and crashed his lips against hers. He was surprised that the younger wasn't surprised - or if she was, she didn't show it. She responded to the kiss in a second, putting her hands on either side of Chan's face.

The passionate kiss was short lived, as the boy detached their lips but didn't let go of Hyerim's chin.

"Hyerim... I wanna call you mine so bad."
The words came out as a whisper in his hazy state but they weren't able to ruin the mood. If anything, they fueled it.

"Please do." The girl answered in a low tone before attaching their lips once again.

End of the 23rd chapter

<why does this scene feels so unfitting for this book..

Anyway if you're new here, this is the wildest scene in the whole series the other books are more fluffy xx

Chan if you read this..
no you didn't >

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