I changed her from your little girl and i turned her into a woman part 2

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Yn's Pov

I am silently watching my dad get beaten up by finn from ring side with dominik standing next to me, and it's the most glorious thing I have ever seen in my life, every now and then he keeps looking at me and reaching for me, thinking I'm gonna come and save him from the match and horrible beating not this time, I just stare at him with a blank expression on my face folding my hands in front of me.

Finn has the upper hand most of the match that is until my dad throws him into the corner, he's thinking about running into him but I roll into the ring standing in front of finn stopping him before he gets a chance, "y'n get out of way" he says but I stay silent staying where I am just staring into his eyes "y'n stop this i said-" his sentence gets stopped from me pushing his hand off my shoulder cause he touched me "y'n l"n your are my daughter and so help my god your gonna lis-" he sentence gets stopped again by me pushing him to the floor, he looks at me in shock as if to say why? why are you doing this?.

I move out of finns way rolling out of the ring walking back to dominik's side as he wraps his arm around my shoulder smiling, my dad gets back up walking to the side of the ring I'm standing outside of holding the ropes still looking at me in shock, finn comes from behind hitting him from behind on the back of his neck, knocking him down dragging him to one of the corners of the ring, he climbs to the top rope jumping and landing on my dad's chest and that sound was music to my ears 1..2..3 and the match is over I can't help but smile a little watching my dad roll on the floor in pain.

But the judgement day doesn't stop there, they all roll into the ring except for me and dominik just helplessly beating on my dad non stop, "chair get me a chair!" damian yells as dominik grabs a chair from under the ring, but as he's about to hand it to damian he stops handing the chair to me "prove your loyalty to us" he says as I look at the chair the at my dad stepping into the ring standing over him with the chair "y'n no no please don't do this" my dad pleads but I just hold the chair above my head looking down at him with anger in my eyes "Y'N NO!" he yells as I swing the chair downwards hitting him right against his skull knocking him out, I look seeing blood on the chair and blood starting to drip down his face cause I busted his head open.

I breath heavily throwing the chair to the ground as dominik wraps his arm around me patting my shoulder "good girl" he says smirking looking down at him "a town down huh theory?!" rhea yells laughing at him as we all step out of the ring walking out together watching the medics come out to tend to my dad to stop his head from bleeding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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