Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV

The three of us were walking in the castle before me and Leon's communicators went off, "Hola. Luis here. You guys still around?" Luis asks us.  Leon just tells Luis, "Well, me and (Y/n) wanted to go home, but Ashley just had to see this castle first." Leon said to Luis.  I just elbow Leon's side before Luis tells us, "Perfect, because I have a present I want to give you. Medicine that will help to suppress the progress of your... problem." Luis said to us.  I started to asks Luis, "Where do we go?" I asks Luis.  Luis just tells us, "Let's see... Come to the courtyard inside of the castle. We can meet up there. Ciao!" Luis said to us.

Luis hung up on us before me and Leon just let it be before Leon tells Ashley, "All right, Ashley. Luis just said--" Leon didn't finish his sentence before Ashley talks over him, "I got it. Guess we better get going?" Ashley asks us.  I just nod my head at Ashley before telling her, "Yeah, let's get a move on." I said to Ashley.  All of us were walking upstairs before Leon uses his binocular to look around before me and Ashley hear Leon talking about what is on the other side of the castle, "Things just keep getting better." Leon mutters out to himself.  But I still heard him, "It's not going to be easy." I said to Leon.  Leon just nods his head before we start walking around the area.

We were walking downstairs before we saw some people wearing robes were walking, but they didn't see us.  Ashley gasps at this before the three of us crouch down, so none of us could get caught at all.  Ashley was still panic, "What're they--" Ashley didn't finished her sentence because me and Leon told Ashley to lower her voice, so none of us could get caught.  Once the robe people were gone.  We got up and started running towards a room but as soon we were there, we noticed one of those robes people were shaking before his head was change into something different, "Holy shit!" I yelled out.  I pulled out my flash grenade before throwing it towards the weird person.

Once the flash grenade went off.  The person was dead before we were able to get some ammo from the guy.  All three of us were quiet because we don't want anyone to hear us.  But as we were outside, we heard someone yelling at us because they spotted us already.  All of us were firing our guns at the people, but those people have crossbows, and they were shooting at us, but we had to hide for cover so none of us could get caught at all.

Little Time Skip Still (Y/n)'s POV

After we were done with dealing with those people, we were able to get rid of the doors that were lock up tight shut.  We were able to get through before me and Leon open the doors, "Wow, look at this place. I mean, it's old but..." Ashley said to us.  I look around the room to see look really big, "I really don't like those statues that are upside down. It feels like they are staring at your soul." I said to myself.  We were walking the little flights of stairs before we were walking until we hear a voice talking to all of us, "A most warm welcome to my castle." The voice said to us.

Me and Leon had to make sure that Ashley is behind us, "Such a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Mr. Kennedy. Ms. (L/n)." The voice said to us.  We look up to see a creepy man looking at us, "Who--the hell--are you?" Leon asks the person.  The creepy person just smirks at this before he tells us, "Me? Oh please, call me Ramon. And allow me to get straight to the point." Ramon said to us.  Ramon was talking to Leon, "I would like you to hand the two girls there, over to me... now." Ramon said to Leon.  I grab Leon's hand before Leon tells Ramon, "Yeah, fat chance, Ramon. The girl's just fine. With me and her." Leon said to Ramon.

Ramon was quiet for a minute before he speaks out, "Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Kennedy. How noble. Nonetheless, you see, the girls must be ours. With that girl as the very source, Your United States, and then... the entire world shall overflow with his grace. The other girl, who is carrying that unborn baby can be useful for the ritual that we could killed the demon that is inside of that unborn baby." Ramon said to all of us.  I just glare my eyes at Ramon before Ramon was talking again, "For that is the iron will of my master, the most holy Lord Saddler! So then, you will comply, yes?" Ramon asks me and Ashley.

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