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Third Person's Point of View

"Oh gosh, he looked really unfortunate."

"That poor boy.. will he survive?"

"He was hit pretty hardly. I hope he'll be okay."

Sky made his way towards the middle of the commotion on the sidewalk. He was confused that he couldn't find Rain anywhere near them. He felt anxious as the omega was nowhere to be found. Sky approaced one bystander shyly to know what's going on.

"Uhm, excuse me. What happened here?" He asked as the lady in her late forties looked at him.

"Aow, there was an accident here. That poor boy. He was hit by a fast motorcycle. Fortunately, he was taken to the hospital immediately. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such a careless rider." The lady said while Sky nodded, the pain in his stomach still not leaving him.

'It can't be.. right..? Rain must've felt hungry and walked to 7/11.. right..?' He thought to himself as he took a deep breath before asking, "W-what did the boy look like..? Was he.. was he blonde and was wearing a black hoodie?" Sky shakily asked, growing more anxious as time went by.

"That's right. He was blonde. He was also shorter than you and was wearing a black hoodie."

Sky felt like cold water was poured all over him as he stood frozen in front of the woman who tried asking him if he was okay. The omega felt his knees weaken as he showed him Rain's photo to the lady.

"Was this.. was this him..? The- The blonde boy..?" Sky asked as tears fell down to his cheeks when he saw the lady nod. "Oh no.. no.. Fuck.. that's my.. that was my best friend! Tell me, Auntie.. where- where was he taken..!?" The omega fell to his knees as he felt his chest tighten by the information he just received.

"Nong! Nong, calm down! He was taken to Siam Hospital.. Calm down, Nong. Don't worry, I'll take you there!" The lady said as he guided Sky to her car. She immediately ordered her driver to drive as quick as he could to the hospital.

Sky was still frozen and was silently crying, blaming himself for his bestfriend's accident. For him, he has failed Rain once again as he left his side and was not able to save him on time.

After a quick ride towards the hospital, the lady shook Sky to let him know that they're already there. The omega got out of the car as fast as a lightning, not bothering to wait for the woman to get down.

Sky frantically went to the front desk and asked about the patient who just had an accident. He was told that Rain was sent to the emergency room as he was losing a lot of blood in his body. The omega cried as he saw his friend's lifeless body as he was being transferred to the operating room and was full of blood.

He yelled in the middle of the hallway as anger flowed through his veins. "WHO WAS THE ONE WHO HIT MY BESTFRIEND?! SHOW YOURSELF, YOU FUCKER!" He yelled with all his might as he saw a very familiar racing jacket that he hasn't seen ever since. Sky felt his knees trembled as he quickly recognized who it was.

"Y-you..." He pointed towards the man looking stunned and panicked, sitting in the corner of the hallway.

It was Gun, his abusive ex-boyfriend.

The omega walked towards him and grabbed the man on his collar. "YOU FUCKER! YOU DARE TO COME BACK TO MY LIFE AND I FIND OUT THAT YOU WERE THE ONE WHO HIT MY BESTFRIEND?!" Sky threw a punch to the other as Gun fell to the ground, still looking scared.

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