28.An unintended damage

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Out of everything she expected today, getting a phone call at ten in evening from her husband, who had left home early morning even before dawn, was not one.

And even if she expected his phone calls, she never thought it would be this.

"Preeta. I won't be coming home tonight. And please pack two three pairs of dresses for me in a bag. I'll come pick it later if I have time or I'll send someone to do it."

That was all she heard. That was all she was forced to hear. No hi, no hello, nothing. Well, fine understandable, he could be busy.

But the fact that he didn't wait for a reply before hanging on her.

How much ever she tried to ignore, it hurt. And the worst part? It wasn't the time. He wasn't the first person doing it.

She'd grown up apart from her only family members all her life. Getting hanged in the middle like just now and guess what? Even when her mind said it is okay, her heart felt a stink.

Now, when he, her husband did the same- it felt even worse. It stinks, burned and made her throat clogged up suddenly.

What was keeping him so busy that he had no time to spent with her. At the least not letting her know exactly what was happening.

Wiping the tears that had spilled itself from those eyes even without her consent, she stood up from the couch tossing her phone back and made her way to their bedroom.

Packing as he has asked with a pair of t-shirts, tracks and couple of button-down shirts and pants along with his undergarments and socks. She even packed a toothpaste and brush for him, his shampoo and a shower gel.

It was him who had no time to take care. She had plenty for him. She always had plenty for them.

The only thing? She never asked for it, but that never meant she didn't want.

Getting the duffle bag ready she waited for him in the living room. Trying to not become heavily emotional. And she believed she did manage too.

He'd need her support; she couldn't put up a fight. It was his duty, he couldn't say no and she never liked coming between his first love, his nation. His job, his duty.

She would never do too.

But every courage she had built up inside her for him, to wish him luck and kiss him goodbye; disappeared when one of the constables stood on the other side of the door, waiting for the bag.

Why didn't he come? Can't he just drive her and wish her goodbye? Give a kiss and tell to take care and he'd be back soon? Why didn't he come?

As soon as she shut the door after the officer left, her body trembled on, knees and arms shivering. Not able to contain the overwhelming feeling she slid her body against the door, sitting on the floor with her knees close to her chest. Tears streaming down her cheeks and her hands covered her mouth to not let a sob.

It was always the same.

And this time she didn't know where he was going to. He didn't bother telling her.

That night, she spends against the main door of their home crying her heart out, crying to sleep, letting every burdened up feeling in her out.

The next morning, she looked like worn out because she was. The night before she didn't have her dinner waiting for him. And now, as she fed herself the breakfast, her eyes glued on the phone.

As she dialed his number, it said the phone was not reachable. That made her heart clench and her stomach twist.

Where was he?

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